
Ukraine, otherOtherНаходится на Трипольской ТЭС
Kazakhstan Temir ZholyPrivate depots at the enterprisesТОО «Рудненское ЖДХ», Рудный; 2ТЭ10В-4087
North Caucasus RailwayTCh-7 Tikhoretskaya 
 Zabaikal RailwayTCh-6 Mogocha

Railway District/Company:Ukraine, other
Model:2TE10M, 3TE10M
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Identification number:16174906
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
Note:Находится на Трипольской ТЭС
Списан в 2002 г. в депо Тихорецкая, отправлен в Казахстан, на ТОО «Рудненское ЖДХ»

Подменён локомотивом 2ТЭ10В-4087

07.2016 — 01.2017 — находился в депо Славянск Донецкой ж. д.

__.2006 — КР срок продлён до 2029 года

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648 KB

ЧМЭ3-1993, Donetska Railway

Украина, Донецкая область, депо Славянск
Ukraine, Donetsk region, Slovyansk depot
Україна, Донецька область, депо Слов'янськ

Monday, August 9, 2021
Author: kut

662 KB

Украина, Донецкая область, депо Славянск
Ukraine, Donetsk region, Slovyansk depot
Україна, Донецька область, депо Слов'янськ

Sunday, July 11, 2021
Author: kut

Railway District/Company:Ukraine, other
Note:Находится на Трипольской ТЭС
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
November 2016
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Note:ТОО «Рудненское ЖДХ», Рудный; 2ТЭ10В-4087
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Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Note:ТОО «Рудненское ЖДХ», Рудный; 2ТЭ10В-4087
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TCh-7 Tikhoretskaya
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Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TCh-7 Tikhoretskaya
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Zabaikal Railway
Depot:TCh-6 Mogocha
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Ukraine, other → Other → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → Private depots at the enterprises → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  North Caucasus Railway → TCh-7 Tikhoretskaya → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-6 Mogocha → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Ukraine, other → Other
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → Private depots at the enterprises
—  North Caucasus Railway → TCh-7 Tikhoretskaya
—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-6 Mogocha
—  Ukraine, other → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  North Caucasus Railway → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Zabaikal Railway → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  2TE10M, 3TE10M