Railway District/Company: | Melitopol railway |
Depot: | TCh Melitopol |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
С завода поступил в депо Родаково Донецкой ж. д.
__.???? — передан в депо СПб-Варшавский
__.???? — передан в депо Дно
10.2013 — передан в депо Ртищево-Вост
01.2015 — передан в депо Елец
03.2015 — передан в депо Великие Луки
04.2015 — возвращен в депо Елец
12.2015 — передан в депо Великие-Луки
05.2020 — передан в депо Войновка
10.2021 — передан в депо Сургут
10.2022 — передан в депо Краснодар
__.2023 — аренда ГУП "ДНР "Донецкая железная дорога"
05.2023 — передан в депо Мелитополь
02.2002 — КР-2
10.2013 — ТР-3 ТЧР-9 Поворино
11.2017 — КР Воронежский ТРЗ
11.2021 — ТР-3 СЛД-9 Поворино |
Secondary photos: hide / show
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | Melitopol railway |
Depot: | TCh Melitopol |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) May 2023 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | North Caucasus Railway |
Depot: | TChE-12 Krasnodar |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Note: | Аренда ГУП ДНР "Донецкая железная дорога" |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | North Caucasus Railway |
Depot: | TChE-12 Krasnodar |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Note: | Аренда ГУП ДНР "Донецкая железная дорога" |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) October 2022 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | Sverdlovsk Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Surgut |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Тверская область, станция Удомля Russia, Tver region, Udomlya station
Monday, March 9, 2020 Author: Sergio76
Россия, Ленинградская область, перегон Чаща — Новинка Russia, Leningrad region, Chascha — Novinka stretch
Поезд № 217 Москва — Санкт-Петербург
Saturday, December 28, 2019 Author: dXs
Россия, Ленинградская область, станция Оредеж Russia, Leningrad region, Oredezh station
Sunday, April 14, 2019 Author: Romario
Беларусь, Витебская область, перегон Городок — Залучье Belarus, Vitsebsk region, Garadok — Zaluchcha stretch Беларусь, Віцебская вобласць, перагон Гарадок — Залучча
Thursday, July 12, 2018 Author: Vito
Россия, Псковская область, перегон Дно — разъезд 241 км Russia, Pskov region, Dno — 241 km junction stretch
Saturday, December 23, 2017 Author: Winston Blue
Россия, Новгородская область, перегон Валдай — Добывалово Russia, Novgorod region, Valday — Dobyvalovo stretch
Monday, July 17, 2017 Author: Ivan00
Россия, Ленинградская область, перегон Луга-I — Серебрянка Russia, Leningrad region, Luga-I — Seryebryanka stretch
Friday, July 22, 2016 Author: Romario
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) December 2015 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-14 Elets-Severny |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-14 Elets-Severny |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) April 2015 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-31 Velikie Luki |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) March 2015 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-14 Elets-Severny |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Саратовская область, депо Ртищево Russia, Saratov region, Rtischevo depot
Monday, September 29, 2014 Author: Дмитрий Закутный
Россия, Тамбовская область, перегон Тамбов-I — Селезни Russia, Tambov region, Tambov-I — Selezni stretch
Friday, June 13, 2014 Author: NIKO_Rus
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | South-Eastern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-2 Rtishchevo-Vostochnoe |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) October 2013 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | 2ТЭ116-581 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-18 Dno |
Model: | 2TE116 |
Builder: | Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works |
Identification number: | 16851610/16851628 |
Built: | 09.1980 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Тверская область, перегон Белый Городок — Савёлово Russia, Tver region, Bely Gorodok — Savyolovo stretch
Saturday, May 11, 2013 Author: EmPeR1oR
Россия, Псковская область, станция Пыталово Russia, Pskov region, Pytalovo station
Friday, March 8, 2013 Author: Виталий
Россия, Ленинградская область, перегон Войсковицы — Елизаветино Russia, Leningrad region, Voyskovitsy — Elizavetino stretch
Saturday, May 3, 2008 Author: Northern Spirit
Россия, Карелия, перегон Хийтола — Кузнечное Russia, Karelia, Hiytola — Kuznechnoe stretch Venäjä, Karjala, Hiitola — Kaarlahti
Saturday, July 8, 2006 Author: Воздух Свободы
Lists of rolling stock:
— Melitopol railway → TCh Melitopol → 2TE116
— North Caucasus Railway → TChE-12 Krasnodar → 2TE116
— Sverdlovsk Railway → TChE-18 Surgut → 2TE116
— Sverdlovsk Railway → TCh-7 Tyumen named after V. F. Sosnin → 2TE116
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki → 2TE116
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-14 Elets-Severny → 2TE116
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-2 Rtishchevo-Vostochnoe → 2TE116
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno → 2TE116
— October Railway → TChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy → 2TE116
— Donetska Railway → TCH-7 Rodakovo → 2TE116
— Melitopol railway → TCh Melitopol
— North Caucasus Railway → TChE-12 Krasnodar
— Sverdlovsk Railway → TChE-18 Surgut
— Sverdlovsk Railway → TCh-7 Tyumen named after V. F. Sosnin
— October Railway → TChE-31 Velikie Luki
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-14 Elets-Severny
— South-Eastern Railway → TChE-2 Rtishchevo-Vostochnoe
— October Railway → TChE-18 Dno
— October Railway → TChE-14 Sankt-Peterburg-Varshavskiy
— Donetska Railway → TCH-7 Rodakovo
— Melitopol railway → 2TE116
— North Caucasus Railway → 2TE116
— Sverdlovsk Railway → 2TE116
— October Railway → 2TE116
— South-Eastern Railway → 2TE116
— Donetska Railway → 2TE116
— 2TE116