Quote (Dima82, 10.08.2024): > Так-то англичанин - это советское качество.
If this is about Soviet quality engineering then yes! It's amazing to see them still hauling mainline freight after so many years. Translation for me of that was a little vague.
Quote (Skorapino, 10.08.2024): > I hope I'll have a chance to see them in service too.
The trip I took was quite easy to do and without confrontation but obviously there are risks... It's a great area to for people into trains)
Цитата (Hagues98, 10.08.2024): > Lumberjack, what is the need in getting so upset by someone speaking a foreign language. I'm glad to say that the majority of Russians have welcomed me both in Russia and on this site, even though I don't speak their language. Without getting too political you should be pleased that some foreigners realise Russians are welcoming people. You don't seem to help the overall view of your country in the west...
Just don't pay attention: he's talking some bullshit. Never mind him
> А что до снимка... Знать бы, кто додумался дать Днепродзержинску колхозное название Каменское, а станции Баглей – шизофреническое название Запорожье-Каменское...
Ну вообще то это историческое название города до 1936 года.