After a day of sightseeing and visiting the amazing city of Samarkand I headed for an hour to a spot in the suburbs to try to catch something for my first taster of Uzbek railways. The first catch was a new type of loco for me personally a 3ES5K with a mixed freight heading westbound out of Samarkand. Also seen at this location was a 2O'ZELR and Talgo set 01/02.
Victor Exacty, in the cities and towns this blue fence rules, thankfully in rural areas it's just a barbed wire fence which isn't so much of an eyesore. In the UK we sometimes have 2 meter green fences which are much worse.
Алексей I wasn't sure what they were doing to be honest, there seemed to be a lot of them in a small area, not doing a great deal. It actually reminded me of people doing supervised work or community service in the UK. I am quite curious to what they were actually doing.
I would also like to clarify that no disrespect was meant to the people in the right of the photo, or any Uzbeks, it was simply an observation I made with experiences from the UK. :)