Railway District/Company: | South Urals Railways |
Depot: | TCh-5 Kartаli |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Arrived: | 13.10.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
Note: | ВЛ80СК-049/077А |
С завода поступил в депо Магнитогорск Южно-Уральской ж. д.
25.09.1997 — передан в депо Карталы
09.06.2000 — передан в депо Орск
28.01.2003 — передан в депо Карталы
01.04.2008 — передан в депо Абакан-II
21.04.2014 — передан в депо Карасук
__.07.2016 — передан в депо Абакан-II
25.08.2023 — передан в депо Карталы
C 07.2022 — работа по СМЕ с ВЛ80СК-077А
12.1988 — КР-1 Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
09.1996 — СР ТЧ Карталы
04.2004 — ТР-3 ТЧ Карталы
12.2007 — МЛП Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
06.2013 — ТР-3 ТЧР-9 Канск-Иланский
09.2016 — СР СЛД-75 Боготол-Сибирский
10.2022 — ТР-3 СЛД-75 Боготол-Сибирский
20.03.2012 — повреждён при столкновении на переезде 374 км перегона Ташеба — Тигей Красноярской ж. д. |
Secondary photos (2): hide / show
ВЛ80СК-077А, South Urals Railways
Россия, Челябинская область, перегон Магнитогорск-Грузовой — Супряк Russia, Chelyabinsk region, Magnitogorsk-Gruzovoy — Supryak stretch
Thursday, November 23, 2023 Author: avoid
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | South Urals Railways |
Depot: | TCh-5 Kartаli |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ВЛ80СК-049/077А |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) August 2023 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | Krasnoyarsk Railway |
Depot: | TChE-7 Abakan |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ВЛ80СК-049/077А |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Красноярский край, перегон разъезд 570 км — Кошурниково Russia, Krasnoyarsk krai, 570 km junction — Koshurnikovo stretch
Monday, September 7, 2020 Author: Сергей ВМ
Россия, Красноярский край, перегон разъезд 570 км — Стофато Russia, Krasnoyarsk krai, 570 km junction — Stofato stretch
Friday, April 19, 2019 Author: romik80
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | Krasnoyarsk Railway |
Depot: | TChE-7 Abakan |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Note: | ВЛ80СК-049/077А |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) June 2016 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | West Siberian railway |
Depot: | TChE-10 Karasuk |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | West Siberian railway |
Depot: | TChE-10 Karasuk |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) March 2014 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | Krasnoyarsk Railway |
Depot: | TChE-7 Abakan |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Иркутская область, станция Тайшет Russia, Irkutsk region, Tayshet station
Thursday, August 28, 2008 Author: ТеплаКолос
№: | ВЛ80СК-049 |
Railway District/Company: | Krasnoyarsk Railway |
Depot: | TChE-7 Abakan |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Renamed March 2008 | ↑Renamed |
№: | ВЛ80С-049 |
Railway District/Company: | South Urals Railways |
Depot: | Tch-11 Magnitogorsk |
Model: | VL80SK |
Builder: | Ulan-Ude Electric Locomotive Repair Plant Ulan-Ude |
Works number: | 239 |
Identification number: | 12500971/12500989 |
Built: | 24.09.1980 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
ВЛ80С-050 , South Urals Railways
Россия, Башкортостан, перегон Инзер — Айгир Russia, Bashkortostan, Inzer — Aygir stretch Рәсәй, Башҡортостан, аралыҡ Инйәр — Айғыр
Friday, June 30, 2006 Author: Maxim
ВЛ80С-050 , South Urals Railways
Россия, Башкортостан, перегон Инзер — Айгир Russia, Bashkortostan, Inzer — Aygir stretch Рәсәй, Башҡортостан, аралыҡ Инйәр — Айғыр
Friday, June 30, 2006 Author: Maxim
October 13, 1980 Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
Lists of rolling stock:
— South Urals Railways → TCh-5 Kartаli → VL80SK
— Krasnoyarsk Railway → TChE-7 Abakan → VL80SK
— West Siberian railway → TChE-10 Karasuk → VL80SK
— South Urals Railways → Tch-11 Magnitogorsk → VL80SK
— South Urals Railways → TCh-5 Kartаli
— Krasnoyarsk Railway → TChE-7 Abakan
— West Siberian railway → TChE-10 Karasuk
— South Urals Railways → Tch-11 Magnitogorsk
— South Urals Railways → VL80SK
— Krasnoyarsk Railway → VL80SK
— West Siberian railway → VL80SK
— VL80SK