
West Siberian railwayTChE-3 Barabinsk
Moscow RailwayOrherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
Kuybyshev RailwayTCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
 Pivdenna RailwayTCH-2 Kharkov-Glavnое

Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:TChE-3 Barabinsk
Builder:Závody V. I. Lenina Plzeň, národní podnik   Plzeň
Serial type:34E2
Works number:4394
Identification number:11000403
Written off:ca. 09.1994
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил в депо Харьков-Октябрь Южной ж. д.

1964 — передан в депо Куйбышев Куйбышевской ж. д.
1967 — передан в депо Москва-Сортировочная-Рязанская Московской ж. д.
1973 — передан в депо Ожерелье-Сортировочное
1984 — передан в депо Барабинск Западно-Сибирской ж. д.

06.1994 г. отставлен от работы
На 11.1997 г. ещё находился в депо

September 1994 (approximately)   
Written off
Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:TChE-3 Barabinsk
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
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Depot:Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
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Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Depot:TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
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Railway District/Company:Kuybyshev Railway
Depot:TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Pivdenna Railway
Depot:TCH-2 Kharkov-Glavnое
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  West Siberian railway → TChE-3 Barabinsk → ChS2
—  Moscow Railway → Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33) → ChS2
—  Moscow Railway → Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6) → ChS2
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev) → ChS2
—  Pivdenna Railway → TCH-2 Kharkov-Glavnое → ChS2
—  West Siberian railway → TChE-3 Barabinsk
—  Moscow Railway → Orherelye-Sortirovochnoe operational depot (TChE-33)
—  Moscow Railway → Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
—  Kuybyshev Railway → TCHE-10 Samara (TCH-10 Kuibyshev)
—  Pivdenna Railway → TCH-2 Kharkov-Glavnое
—  West Siberian railway → ChS2
—  Moscow Railway → ChS2
—  Kuybyshev Railway → ChS2
—  Pivdenna Railway → ChS2
—  ChS2