
OtherUSSR Industrial rolling stock of the Ministries
Moscow RailwaySmolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
≈ 1944
Roslavl depot (TCh-43, Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) branch)
West Siberian railwayTCh-14 Usjaty
 Sverdlovsk RailwayTChE-10 Chusovskoe

Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:USSR Industrial rolling stock of the Ministries
Model:Eu, Em, Er
Builder:Kharkov Komintern plant   Kharkov
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 
В 30-е гг. депо Чусовская, Усяты
В 1944(?) г. передан в депо Рославль
В 50-е гг. депо Смоленск
В 1966 г. передан в промышленность

СР Великолукский ПВРЗ 10.1957 г. (тендер 741-18), Калининская ж. д.

Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:USSR Industrial rolling stock of the Ministries
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
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Depot:Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Roslavl depot (TCh-43, Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) branch)
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Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Roslavl depot (TCh-43, Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) branch)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
1944 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:TCh-14 Usjaty
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Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:TCh-14 Usjaty
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Sverdlovsk Railway
Depot:TChE-10 Chusovskoe
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Other → USSR Industrial rolling stock of the Ministries → Eu, Em, Er
—  Moscow Railway → Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) → Eu, Em, Er
—  Moscow Railway → Roslavl depot (TCh-43, Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) branch) → Eu, Em, Er
—  West Siberian railway → TCh-14 Usjaty → Eu, Em, Er
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → TChE-10 Chusovskoe → Eu, Em, Er
—  Other → USSR Industrial rolling stock of the Ministries
—  Moscow Railway → Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42)
—  Moscow Railway → Roslavl depot (TCh-43, Smolensk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-42) branch)
—  West Siberian railway → TCh-14 Usjaty
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → TChE-10 Chusovskoe
—  Other → Eu, Em, Er
—  Moscow Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  West Siberian railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Sverdlovsk Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Eu, Em, Er