Railway District/Company: | West Siberian railway |
Depot: | TChE-10 Karasuk |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Arrived: | 04.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Current condition: | In operation |
С завода поступил в депо Череповец Северной ж. д.
06.2009 — передан в депо Буй
09.2013 — передан в депо Кандалакша
10.2018 — передан в депо Красноуфимск
11.2018 — передан в депо Карасук
03.2003 — КР-2 Ростовский ЭРЗ
07.2009 — КР Ростовский ЭРЗ
02.2015 — СР Ростовский ЭРЗ
06.2020 — КР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
02.2023 — ТР-3 СЛД-63 Карасук |
Secondary photos: hide / show
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | Gorky Railway |
Depot: | Krasnoufimsk operational depot (TChE-16) |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) October 2018 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-5 Kandalaksha |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
М62-1620 , October Railway
Россия, Мурманская область, станция Полярные Зори Russia, Murmansk region, Polyarnye Zori station
Sunday, June 10, 2018 Author: kotttt170
Россия, Архангельская область, станция Малошуйка Russia, Arkhangelsk region, Maloshuyka station
Saturday, July 18, 2015 Author: Воздух Свободы
Россия, Карелия, перегон Голиковка — Онежский Russia, Karelia, Golikovka — Onezhskiy stretch
Saturday, May 23, 2015 Author: Albert
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | October Railway |
Depot: | TChE-5 Kandalaksha |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) September 2013 | ↑Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | Northern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-6 Buj |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Россия, Костромская область, станция Нея Russia, Kostroma region, Neya station
2011 Author: URAGAN
Россия, Вологодская область, перегон Уйта — Кадуй Russia, Vologda region, Uyta — Kaduy stretch
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Author: Митя Черенцовский
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | Northern Railway |
Depot: | TChE-6 Buj |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot June 2009 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ВЛ80С-185 |
Railway District/Company: | Northern Railway |
Depot: | Tch-10 Cherepovetc |
Model: | VL80S |
Builder: | Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant Novocherkassk |
Identification number: | 12503694/12503702 |
Built: | 31.03.1981 |
Category: | Main Electric Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
April 1981 Arrived from manufacturer (on facility)
Lists of rolling stock:
— West Siberian railway → TChE-10 Karasuk → VL80S
— Gorky Railway → Krasnoufimsk operational depot (TChE-16) → VL80S
— October Railway → TChE-5 Kandalaksha → VL80S
— Northern Railway → TChE-6 Buj → VL80S
— Northern Railway → Tch-10 Cherepovetc → VL80S
— West Siberian railway → TChE-10 Karasuk
— Gorky Railway → Krasnoufimsk operational depot (TChE-16)
— October Railway → TChE-5 Kandalaksha
— Northern Railway → TChE-6 Buj
— Northern Railway → Tch-10 Cherepovetc
— West Siberian railway → VL80S
— Gorky Railway → VL80S
— October Railway → VL80S
— Northern Railway → VL80S
— VL80S