Railway District/Company:Railways of the USA
Depot:Union Pacific Railroad (UP)
Model:4000 (Big Boy)
Builder:American Locomotive Company   Schenectady
Serial type:2-4-0+0-4-2
Works number:69585
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Under restoration at Cheyenne.

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745 KB

США, штат Иллинойс, станция Западный Чикаго
USA, Illinois, West Chicago station

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Author: Роман В.

718 KB

США, штат Иллинойс, город Элмхюрст
USA, Illinois, Elmhurst city

Friday, July 26, 2019
Author: Роман В.

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Note
4014 AC44C6M NS 01.1995 Модернизирован в 2016 году
4014 SD70MAC ARR 01.2000
4014 C44-9W BNSF 2003
4014 PL42-AC NJT 2004

Lists of rolling stock:

—  Railways of the USA → Union Pacific Railroad (UP) → 4000 (Big Boy)
—  Railways of the USA → Union Pacific Railroad (UP)
—  Railways of the USA → 4000 (Big Boy)
—  4000 (Big Boy)