
Railway District/Company:Georgian Railway
Depot:TCh-6 Tbilisi-Sorting
Builder:Tbilisi electric locomotive building plant  
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 

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 ВЛ10-174 , Georgian Railway
Georgian RailwayСтарые фото

СССР, Грузинская ССР, станция Хашури
USSR, Georgian SSR, Khashuri station
სსრკ, საქართველოს სსრ, სადგური ხაშური

Скан фото из книги ELEKTRO-LOKOMOTIVEN aus aller Welt.
Подпись под фотографией: Die SZD VL10-170 und 174 bilden eine ungeheure Krafttansammlung von 10400 kW. in Kashuri, 1969.

Saturday, November 30, 1968
Received from Denzel Washington

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Georgian Railway → TCh-6 Tbilisi-Sorting → VL10
—  Georgian Railway → TCh-6 Tbilisi-Sorting
—  Georgian Railway → VL10
—  VL10