List of the vehicles

Prydniprovska Railway, Service car, SM2

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Serial type ID number Built Left/written off Note
СМ2-317 19220128 1970 03.2014 ПЧ-3
СМ2-385 19220284 197*
СМ2-500 19230028 1982 ПЧ-14
СМ2-541 19230143 1973 ПЧ-12
СМ2А-608 19230119 1975 ПЧ-10
СМ2А-703 19220250 1978 ПЧ-7
СМ2Б-838 19220284 1978 ПЧ-9 Днепропетровск
СМ2-933 19220300 1975 ПЧ-6
СМ2-946 19220326 1976 ПЧ-1
СМ2А-1000 19235019 1978 ПЧ-8
СМ2Б-1156 19235217 1984 ПЧ-11 Пятихатки
СМ2А-1201 19220391 1978 ПЧ-9 Днепропетровск
СМ2А-1221 19220441 1979 ПЧ-16
СМ2А-1226 19220789 1979 ПЧ-15
СМ2А-1241 19220490 1980 ПЧ-13
СМ2А-1251 19220508 1980 ПЧ-6
СМ2А-1267 19235209 1980 ПЧ-7
СМ2А-1271 19235084 1981 ПЧ-4 Мелитополь
СМ2А-1285 19235233 1982 ПЧ-14
СМ2А-1297 19230101 1983 ПЧ-10
СМ2Б-1405 19235134 1986 ПЧ-8
СМ2Б-1449 19235167 1987 ПЧ-5
СМ2Б-1498 19235258 1988 ПЧ-12
СМ2М-2795 СМ2М-ПП1 19225556 1989 ПЧ-9 Днепр
СМ2М-2796 СМ2М-ПП2 19225564 1989 ПЧ-9 Днепр

Records shown: 25 of 25

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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