List of the vehicles
№ |
ID number |
Built |
Left/written off |
Note |
ПСЭ-66 |
19220604 |
ПЧ-6 Брест |
СМ2-238 |
19222380/19242403/19245438/19282227 |
≤ 1967 |
ПЧ-20 Бобруйск |
СМ2-264 |
19222645/192?????/192?????/19282763 |
1969 |
ПЧ-8 Лида |
СМ2-298 |
19222983/19243021/19243039/19283019 |
1969 |
ПЧ-19 Лунинец |
СМ2-340 |
19223403/1924????/1924????/19284454 |
1971 |
ПЧ-13 Кричев (?) |
СМ2-691 |
1977 |
ПЧ-6 Брест |
СМ2-711 |
1978 |
≤ 2022 |
ПЧ-15 Осиповичи |
СМ2-932 |
19229327/19250992/19251008/19286848 |
1979 |
ПЧ-12 Витебск |
СМ2-937 |
19229376/19251099/19251107/19286913 |
1979 |
ПЧ-6 Брест |
СМ2А-955 |
19229558/19252188/19251941/19287440 |
1979 |
ПЧ-9 Молодечно |
СМ2А-982 |
19229822/19253590/19253608/19288158 |
1977 |
≈ 2022 |
ПЧ-18 Калинковичи |
СМ2Б-982 |
19229822/19253590/19253608/19288158 |
1977 |
ПЧ-15 Осиповичи |
СМ2Б-1131 |
19231315 |
1983 |
ПЧ-11 Полоцк |
СМ2А-1225 |
1923225? |
1979 |
ПЧ-4 Барановичи |
СМ2А-1253 |
19232537/19257898/19257906/19290303 |
1980 |
ПЧ-1 Орша |
СМ2Б-1269 |
19232693/19258730/19258748/19290725 |
1981 |
2023 |
ПЧ-17 Гомель |
СМ2Б-1269 |
19232693/19258730/19258748/19290725 |
1981 |
ПЧ-18 Калинковичи |
СМ2Б-1290 |
19232909/19259878/19259886/19291293 |
1982 |
ПЧ-14 Могилёв |
СМ2Б-1320 |
19233204 |
1985 |
ПЧ-3 Минск |
СМ2Б-1355 |
19233550/19264001/19263995/19293364 |
1985 |
ПЧ-16 Жлобин |
СМ2Б-1428 |
19234285/19265453/19265461/19204099 |
1987 |
ПЧ-2 Борисов |
СМ2М-1506 |
19235068/19267012/19267020/19294677 |
11.1988 |
ПЧ-10 Воропаево |
СМ2М-1543 |
19235431/19267517/19267525/19295120 |
1990 |
ПЧ-17 Гомель |
СМ2М-1616 |
19216165/19269471/19269489/19246115 |
1991 |
ПЧ-18 Калинковичи |
СМ2МС-1871 |
19238716/19274422/19274430/19298728 |
2002 |
СМ2МС-1885 |
19238856 |
2002 |
Records shown: 26 of 26
Color coding
In operation |
New (was not in regular operation) |
Out of order |
Abandoned / Dead storage |
Written off |
Current location and condition are unknown |
Refurbishment (change of the serial number) |
Transferred to another depot |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer |
Renumbered |
Renamed |