Lista pojazdów

Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway, SM2

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Nr.ID Wyprodukowano Lokomotywownia Przypis
СМ2-58 19220029 1965 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Чернигов
СМ2-239 19220060 1967 Service is the path ПЧ-19
СМ2-256 19220078 1968 Service is the path ПЧ-7
СМ2-290 19235266 1969 Service is the path ПЧ-4
СМ2-294 19220110 1965 Service is the path ПЧ-11
СМ2-320 19220136 1970 Service is the path ПЧ-1
СМ2-336 19220144 1971 Service is the path ПЧ-18
СМ2-386 19220169 1973 Service is the path ПЧ-19
СМ2-501 19240027 1972 Service is the path ПЧ-3 Киев
СМ2-506 19220193 1972 Service is the path ПЧ-9
СМ2-723 19240100 Service is the path ПЧ-5
СМ2А-984 19220359 1977 Service is the path ПЧ-6 Хутор-Михайловский
СМ2Б-1132 19235035 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-4
СМ2А-1207 19220425 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Чернигов
СМ2А-1230 19220763 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-7
СМ2А-1263 19235274 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-15 Житомир
СМ2А-1286 19220540 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-9
СМ2Б-1373 19220599 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-2
СМ2Б-1377 19235126 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-8 Винница
СМ2Б-1451 19235175 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-3
СМ2Б-1509 19235191 1988 Service is the path ПЧ-2 Дарница
СМ2М-1565 19240084 1990 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Конотоп
СМ2М-1624 19240258 12.1991 Service is the path ПЧ-13

Pokazano wpisów: 23 z 23

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Nowy (nie był w regularnej eksploatacji)
Obecna lokalizacja i stan są nieznane
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Przeniesiono do innego okręgu kolejowego/spółki (lub fabryki)
Pomnik / Eksponat muzealny / Sprzęt do ćwiczeń


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