Photos added January 4, 2023

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations

18:20 MSK 686 KB

ВЛ80С-320Б, South-Eastern Railway
3ЭС5К-1410, Zabaikal Railway
3ЭС5К-1408, Zabaikal Railway
3ЭС5К-1409, Zabaikal Railway
3ЭС5К-1411, Zabaikal Railway

Россия, Пензенская область, перегон Саловка — Ардым
Russia, Penza region, Salovka — Ardym stretch

January 4, 2023
Author: andrey92

Total added for the selected period: 76
Images shown: 1 of 1

Sections:Rail Vehicles · Lines and Stations