Railway District/Company: | Kazakhstan Temir Zholy |
Depot: | TChE-33 Turkestan |
Model: | TE33A |
Builder: | General Electric Transportation Erie |
Serial type: | Evolution ES44ACi |
Identification number: | 16750069 |
Built: | 2009 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Current condition: | Out of order |
Note: | Консервация (БЗ Саксаульская) |
Американский тип "ES44ACi", "Evolution" series, собран в США, г. Эри |
Secondary photos: hide / show
№: | ТЭ33А-0007 |
Railway District/Company: | Kazakhstan Temir Zholy |
Depot: | TChE-33 Turkestan |
Model: | TE33A |
Builder: | General Electric Transportation Erie |
Serial type: | Evolution ES44ACi |
Identification number: | 16750069 |
Built: | 2009 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Note: | Консервация (БЗ Саксаульская) |
Transferred to another depot ???? | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭ33А-0007 |
Railway District/Company: | Kazakhstan Temir Zholy |
Depot: | TChE-16 Balkhash |
Model: | TE33A |
Builder: | General Electric Transportation Erie |
Serial type: | Evolution ES44ACi |
Identification number: | 16750069 |
Built: | 2009 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Казахстан, Кызылординская область, перегон Саксаульская — разъезд № 19 Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region, Saksaulskaya — junction No. 19 stretch
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Author: tzhs
№: | ТЭ33А-0007 |
Railway District/Company: | Kazakhstan Temir Zholy |
Depot: | TChE-16 Balkhash |
Model: | TE33A |
Builder: | General Electric Transportation Erie |
Serial type: | Evolution ES44ACi |
Identification number: | 16750069 |
Built: | 2009 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
Transferred to another depot November 2010 | ↑Transferred to another depot |
№: | ТЭ33А-0007 |
Railway District/Company: | Kazakhstan Temir Zholy |
Depot: | TChE-28 Almaty |
Model: | TE33A |
Builder: | General Electric Transportation Erie |
Serial type: | Evolution ES44ACi |
Identification number: | 16750069 |
Built: | 2009 |
Category: | Main Diesel Locomotives |
| Show full dataShow only changes |
Казахстан, Алма-Ата, станция Алматы-I Kazakhstan, Almaty, Almaty-I station Қазақстан, Алматы, Алматы-I станциясы
Saturday, October 9, 2010 Author: Aleks28
Казахстан, Алматы, станция Алматы-I Kazakhstan, Almaty, Almaty-I station Қазақстан, Алматы, Алматы-I станциясы
Friday, June 18, 2010 Author: Aleks28
Казахстан, Алматинская область, перегон Медеу — Жетысу Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Medeu — Zhetysu stretch
Saturday, June 20, 2009 Author: tzhs
Казахстан, Алматинская область, перегон Дос — Балгалы Kazakhstan, Almaty region, Dos — Balgaly stretch
Saturday, April 18, 2009 Author: tzhs
Lists of rolling stock:
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-33 Turkestan → TE33A
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-16 Balkhash → TE33A
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-28 Almaty → TE33A
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-33 Turkestan
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-16 Balkhash
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-28 Almaty
— Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TE33A
— TE33A