
Kazakhstan Temir ZholyMemorialsОбозначен "ЭР791-20-Л №3091"
ThcE-2 Kazalynsk 
Northern RailwayTChE-15 Isakogorka
 Tch-10 Cherepovetc

Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Model:Eu, Em, Er
Builder:Stalin Plant   Poznan
Works number:2155
Category:Engine Locomotives
Current condition: Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer 
Note:Обозначен "ЭР791-20-Л №3091"
С постройки Северная ж. д.
На 1960 г. приписан к депо Череповец
В 1969 г. принят в парк депо Исакогорска
В декабре 1984 г. передан в депо Казалинск Западно-Казахстанской ж. д.

Установлен 25 октября 2004 года в честь 110-ой годовщины основания депо

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Note:Обозначен "ЭР791-20-Л №3091"
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:ThcE-2 Kazalynsk
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Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Depot:ThcE-2 Kazalynsk
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
December 1984
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Northern Railway
Depot:TChE-15 Isakogorka
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Depot:TChE-15 Isakogorka
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Tch-10 Cherepovetc
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328 KB

СССР, РСФСР, Вологодская область
USSR, Russian SFSR, Vologda region

Фото предоставил Евгений Диванов

1958 (approximately)
Received from Воздух Свободы

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → Memorials → Eu, Em, Er
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → ThcE-2 Kazalynsk → Eu, Em, Er
—  Northern Railway → TChE-15 Isakogorka → Eu, Em, Er
—  Northern Railway → Tch-10 Cherepovetc → Eu, Em, Er
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → Memorials
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → ThcE-2 Kazalynsk
—  Northern Railway → TChE-15 Isakogorka
—  Northern Railway → Tch-10 Cherepovetc
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → Eu, Em, Er
—  Northern Railway → Eu, Em, Er
—  Eu, Em, Er