740 619-2

Railway District/Company:Czech Republiс, other
Depot:GJW Praha (GJW)
Model:740 (T 448.0)
Builder:ČKD   Praha
Works number:10380
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
ex T448.0619

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Чехия, Среднечешский край, станция Млада-Болеслав главный вокзал
Czech Republic, Central Bohemian region, Mlada Boleslav main station
Česko, Středočeský kraj, stanice Mladá Boleslav hlavní nádraží

Sunday, May 5, 2019
Author: Albert

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Czech Republiс, other → GJW Praha (GJW) → 740 (T 448.0)
—  Czech Republiс, other → GJW Praha (GJW)
—  Czech Republiс, other → 740 (T 448.0)
—  740 (T 448.0)