
2TE10MK-KNKazakhstan Temir ZholyTChE-31 Zhambyl (Taraz)
TChE-7 Zhem
2ТЭ10М-0665 2TE10M, 3TE10MTChE-30 Shu (Сhu)

Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Depot:TChE-31 Zhambyl (Taraz)
Identification number:16173064/16173056
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 

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Depot:TChE-31 Zhambyl (Taraz)
Transferred to another depot
August 2022
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-7 Zhem
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712 KB

Казахстан, Актюбинская область, станция Мугоджарская
Kazakhstan, Aktobe region, Mugodzharskaya station
Қазақстан, Актобе облысы, Мугалжар стансасы

Видео: http://youtu.be/ufwubUsNI_s

Saturday, August 11, 2018
Author: Воздух Свободы

Depot:TChE-7 Zhem
Identification number:16173064/16173056
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Depot:TChE-30 Shu (Сhu)
Model:2TE10M, 3TE10M
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
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240 KB

Казахстан, Кызылординская область, депо Кызылорда
Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region, Kyzylorda depot
Қазақстан, Қызылорда облысы, Қызылорда депосы

Thursday, April 23, 2009
Author: tzhs

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-31 Zhambyl (Taraz) → 2TE10MK-KN
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-7 Zhem → 2TE10MK-KN
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-30 Shu (Сhu) → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-31 Zhambyl (Taraz)
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-7 Zhem
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TChE-30 Shu (Сhu)
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → 2TE10MK-KN
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → 2TE10M, 3TE10M
—  2TE10MK-KN
—  2TE10M, 3TE10M