
Railway District/Company:Prydniprovska Railway
Depot:TCH-8 Dnipro
Builder:Коломенский тепловозостроительный завод   Kolomna
Works number:1000
Written off:01.1990
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 

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January 1990   
Written off
423 KB

СССР, Украинская ССР, Харьковская область, депо Октябрь
USSR, Ukrainian SSR, Kharkov region, Oktyabr depot
СРСР, Українська РСР, Харківська область, депо Жовтень

Monday, March 31, 1969
Author: ЕвРо

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Prydniprovska Railway → TCH-8 Dnipro → TEP60
—  Prydniprovska Railway → TCH-8 Dnipro
—  Prydniprovska Railway → TEP60
—  TEP60