
Railway District/Company:Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Depot:TD21 Ermentau
Model:2TE10L, 2TE10V
Builder:Luhansk Locomotive works   Luhansk
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
Был приписан к ТЧ Ерментау (теперь – филиал ТЧ-21)

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Казахстан, Акмолинская область, депо Ерейментау
Kazakhstan, Akmola region, Ereymentau depot

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Author: tzhs

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TD21 Ermentau → 2TE10L, 2TE10V
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → TD21 Ermentau
—  Kazakhstan Temir Zholy → 2TE10L, 2TE10V
—  2TE10L, 2TE10V