
Far Eastern RailwayTChE-2 Khabarovsk-II
TChE-11 Tynda
≈ 03.2013
Moscow RailwayKursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
Privolzhsk (Volga) RailwayTChE-1 Astrakhan-II
TChE-13 Ershov
≈ 2005
TCh-2 Verhniy Baskunchak
≈ 11.1997
North Caucasus RailwayTChE-27 Derbent
 TChE-25 Gudermes

Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:TChE-2 Khabarovsk-II
Builder:Luhansk Locomotive works   Luhansk
Identification number:16287070/16287088
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 

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Depot:TChE-2 Khabarovsk-II
Transferred to another depot
August 2024
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-11 Tynda
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Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
Depot:TChE-11 Tynda
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
April 2015
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
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488 KB

2М62-0903, Moscow Railway

Россия, Орловская область, депо Орёл
Russia, Oryol region, Oryol depot

Thursday, October 2, 2014
Author: Mihail_Z

Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
March 2013 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway
Depot:TChE-1 Astrakhan-II
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427 KB

Россия, Саратовская область, перегон Золотая Степь — Безымянная
Russia, Saratov region, Zolotaya Step — Bezymyanny stretch

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Author: Айдаров Д

Depot:TChE-1 Astrakhan-II
Transferred to another depot
July 2009
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-13 Ershov
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Depot:TChE-13 Ershov
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCh-2 Verhniy Baskunchak
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Railway District/Company:Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway
Depot:TCh-2 Verhniy Baskunchak
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
2005 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:North Caucasus Railway
Depot:TChE-27 Derbent
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Depot:TChE-27 Derbent
Transferred to another depot
November 1997 (approximately)
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-25 Gudermes
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-2 Khabarovsk-II → 2TE10U
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-11 Tynda → 2TE10U
—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29) → 2TE10U
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-1 Astrakhan-II → 2TE10U
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-13 Ershov → 2TE10U
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TCh-2 Verhniy Baskunchak → 2TE10U
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-27 Derbent → 2TE10U
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-25 Gudermes → 2TE10U
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-2 Khabarovsk-II
—  Far Eastern Railway → TChE-11 Tynda
—  Moscow Railway → Kursk-Sortirovochny operational depot (TChE-29)
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-1 Astrakhan-II
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TChE-13 Ershov
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → TCh-2 Verhniy Baskunchak
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-27 Derbent
—  North Caucasus Railway → TChE-25 Gudermes
—  Far Eastern Railway → 2TE10U
—  Moscow Railway → 2TE10U
—  Privolzhsk (Volga) Railway → 2TE10U
—  North Caucasus Railway → 2TE10U
—  2TE10U