
Donetska RailwayAlchevsc Steel & Iron Works, PJSC
 OC Alchevsc coke factory

Railway District/Company:Donetska Railway
Depot:Alchevsc Steel & Iron Works, PJSC
Builder:Lyudinovo Locomotive Plant  
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Западная ПАО "АКХЗ", станция Коммунарск Донецкой ж. д.

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Depot:Alchevsc Steel & Iron Works, PJSC
Transferred to another depot
September 2012
Transferred to another depot
Depot:OC Alchevsc coke factory
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 ТГМ6Д-0289 , Donetska Railway
ТГМ6Д-0288, Donetska Railway
 ТГМ6Д-0286 , Donetska Railway

Россия, Москва, подъездной путь от станции Москва-Товарная-Смоленская
Russia, Moscow, branch line from the Moskva-Tovarnaya-Smolenskaya station

Monday, July 24, 2006
Author: dymon.z

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Donetska Railway → Alchevsc Steel & Iron Works, PJSC → TGM6D
—  Donetska Railway → OC Alchevsc coke factory → TGM6D
—  Donetska Railway → Alchevsc Steel & Iron Works, PJSC
—  Donetska Railway → OC Alchevsc coke factory
—  Donetska Railway → TGM6D
—  TGM6D