
Donetska RailwayTCH-14 Debaltsevo-Passazhyrskoe
TCH-19 Ilovaysk
 TCH-1 Liman

Railway District/Company:Donetska Railway
Depot:TCH-14 Debaltsevo-Passazhyrskoe
Model:VL8, VL8m (N8)
Builder:Tbilisi electric locomotive building plant  
Identification number:12242640/12242657
Written off:08.2013
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
__.1965 – получил индекс ВЛ8-491
С завода поступил в депо Красный Лиман Донецкой ж. д.
__.1968 – передан в депо Иловайск
__.2008 – эксплуатация в депо Дебальцево-Пассажирское

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August 2013   
Written off
Depot:TCH-14 Debaltsevo-Passazhyrskoe
Identification number:12242640/12242657
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCH-19 Ilovaysk
Identification number:12249819/12249827
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561 KB

СССР, Украинская ССР, Донецкая область, станция Иловайск
USSR, Ukrainian SSR, Donetsk region, Ilovaysk station
СРСР, Українська РСР, Донецька область, станція Іловайськ

1987 (approximately)
Author: Роман В.

Depot:TCH-19 Ilovaysk
Identification number:12249819/12249827
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCH-1 Liman
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Donetska Railway → TCH-14 Debaltsevo-Passazhyrskoe → VL8, VL8m (N8)
—  Donetska Railway → TCH-19 Ilovaysk → VL8, VL8m (N8)
—  Donetska Railway → TCH-1 Liman → VL8, VL8m (N8)
—  Donetska Railway → TCH-14 Debaltsevo-Passazhyrskoe
—  Donetska Railway → TCH-19 Ilovaysk
—  Donetska Railway → TCH-1 Liman
—  Donetska Railway → VL8, VL8m (N8)
—  VL8, VL8m (N8)