
≈ 2005
October RailwayTChE-26 Kem' 
TChE-30 Suoyarvi
TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
Service carПЧ-37 Сегежа
Thc-23 Hvoinaya 
Zabaikal RailwayTCh-13 Borzja
 Far Eastern RailwayOther

Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:TChE-26 Kem'
Model:M62, DM62
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Works number:2145
Written off:02.2013
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил на Дальневосточную ж. д.
08.1980 — передан в депо Борзя
03.1982 — передан в депо Хвойная
11.1990 — передан ПЧ-37 Сегежа
Позже передан в депо Медвежья Гора
__.2003 — передан в депо Суоярви
__.2005 — передан в депо Кемь

02.1988 — КР

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Secondary photos (1): hide / show
February 2013   
Written off
Depot:TChE-26 Kem'
Transferred to another depot
2005 (approximately)
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TChE-30 Suoyarvi
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Depot:TChE-30 Suoyarvi
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
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571 KB

 2М62-0757 , October Railway

Россия, Карелия, депо Медвежья Гора
Russia, Karelia, Medvezhya Gora depot
Venäjä, Karjala, Karhumäki ašema

Секция А

Sunday, June 9, 2002
Author: Машинист пивного крана

602 KB

Россия, Карелия, станция Вичка
Russia, Karelia, Vichka station

с пожарным поездом

Saturday, June 8, 2002
Author: Машинист пивного крана

Depot:TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Service car
Note:ПЧ-37 Сегежа
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Depot:Service car
Note:ПЧ-37 Сегежа
Transferred to another depot
November 1990
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Thc-23 Hvoinaya
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Railway District/Company:October Railway
Depot:Thc-23 Hvoinaya
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
March 1982
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Zabaikal Railway
Depot:TCh-13 Borzja
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Railway District/Company:Zabaikal Railway
Depot:TCh-13 Borzja
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
August 1980
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Far Eastern Railway
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  October Railway → TChE-26 Kem' → M62, DM62
—  October Railway → TChE-30 Suoyarvi → M62, DM62
—  October Railway → TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora → M62, DM62
—  October Railway → Service car → M62, DM62
—  October Railway → Thc-23 Hvoinaya → M62, DM62
—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-13 Borzja → M62, DM62
—  Far Eastern Railway → Other → M62, DM62
—  October Railway → TChE-26 Kem'
—  October Railway → TChE-30 Suoyarvi
—  October Railway → TCH-25 Medvezhya Gora
—  October Railway → Service car
—  October Railway → Thc-23 Hvoinaya
—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-13 Borzja
—  Far Eastern Railway → Other
—  October Railway → M62, DM62
—  Zabaikal Railway → M62, DM62
—  Far Eastern Railway → M62, DM62
—  M62, DM62