
Zabaikal RailwayTCh-3 Chita
≈ 11.2009
Krasnoyarsk RailwayTChE-1 Bogotol
East Siberian RailwayUlan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
≈ 11.2005
Taishet operational depot (TChE-1)
 Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)

Railway District/Company:Zabaikal Railway
Depot:TCh-3 Chita
Builder:Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant   Novocherkassk
Identification number:12633392/12633400
Category:Main Electric Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
C постройки поступил в депо Улан-Удэ Восточно-Сибирской ж. д.
__.2005 — передан в депо Тайшет
11.2008 — передан в депо Улан-Удэ
__.2010 — передан в депо Боготол
04.2022 — передан в депо Чита

09.2005 — КР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
06.2011 — СР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ
12.2019 — КР Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ

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Railway District/Company:Zabaikal Railway
Depot:TCh-3 Chita
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
April 2022
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:Krasnoyarsk Railway
Depot:TChE-1 Bogotol
Show full data

693 KB

Россия, Красноярский край, перегон Красноярск-Восточный — Красноярск-Северный
Russia, Krasnoyarsk krai, Krasnoyarsk-Vostochny — Krasnoyarsk-Severny stretch

Sunday, April 2, 2017
Author: Сергей Кривоносов

490 KB

Россия, Иркутская область, перегон Ангарск — Китой
Russia, Irkutsk region, Angarsk — Kitoy stretch

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Author: Novert

Railway District/Company:Krasnoyarsk Railway
Depot:TChE-1 Bogotol
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
November 2009 (approximately)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
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Depot:Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
Transferred to another depot
November 2008
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Taishet operational depot (TChE-1)
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Depot:Taishet operational depot (TChE-1)
Transferred to another depot
November 2005 (approximately)
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-3 Chita → VL80R
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → TChE-1 Bogotol → VL80R
—  East Siberian Railway → Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7) → VL80R
—  East Siberian Railway → Taishet operational depot (TChE-1) → VL80R
—  Zabaikal Railway → TCh-3 Chita
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → TChE-1 Bogotol
—  East Siberian Railway → Ulan-Ude operational depot (TChE-7)
—  East Siberian Railway → Taishet operational depot (TChE-1)
—  Zabaikal Railway → VL80R
—  Krasnoyarsk Railway → VL80R
—  East Siberian Railway → VL80R
—  VL80R