
Moscow RailwayKurovskaya suburban depot (TChPRIG-26)
Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)
Cherusti depot (TCh-9) [closed]
Golutvin depot (TCh-8)
Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
 Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)

Railway District/Company:Moscow Railway
Depot:Kurovskaya suburban depot (TChPRIG-26)
Builder:ČKD   Praha
Serial type:I serie
Works number:6438
Identification number:15510035
Written off:1996
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 
С завода поступил в депо Люблино (Московской ж. д.)
Позднее работал в депо Москва-Сортировочная, Голутвин, Черусти, Куровская, Люблино

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Written off
Depot:Kurovskaya suburban depot (TChPRIG-26)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)
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Depot:Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Cherusti depot (TCh-9) [closed]
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Depot:Cherusti depot (TCh-9) [closed]
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Golutvin depot (TCh-8)
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Depot:Golutvin depot (TCh-8)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
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211 KB

СССР, РСФСР, Москва, станция Москва-Рижская
USSR, Russian SFSR, Moscow, Moskva-Rizhskaya station

Фото из архива ПКБ ЦТ

Received from Дмитрий Закутный

459 KB

 2ТЭ40-001 , Pivdenna Railway

СССР, РСФСР, Москва, станция Москва-Рижская
USSR, Russian SFSR, Moscow, Moskva-Rizhskaya station

Фото из коллекции

Received from Iridium

Depot:Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
Transferred to another depot
Transferred to another depot
Depot:Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)
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Comments · 1

27.01.2023 14:30 MSK
Константин Багров-Sedoy · Санкт-Петербург-Главный
Photos: 127
Попал в кадр в фильме "Лучшая дорога нашей жизни" (1984)
+1 / –0

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Moscow Railway → Kurovskaya suburban depot (TChPRIG-26) → ChME3
—  Moscow Railway → Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch) → ChME3
—  Moscow Railway → Cherusti depot (TCh-9) [closed] → ChME3
—  Moscow Railway → Golutvin depot (TCh-8) → ChME3
—  Moscow Railway → Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6) → ChME3
—  Moscow Railway → Kurovskaya suburban depot (TChPRIG-26)
—  Moscow Railway → Lyblino depot (TCh-2, Likhobory-Okruzhnye operational depot (TChE-2) branch)
—  Moscow Railway → Cherusti depot (TCh-9) [closed]
—  Moscow Railway → Golutvin depot (TCh-8)
—  Moscow Railway → Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanskaya operational depot (TChE-6)
—  Moscow Railway → ChME3
—  ChME3