
Railway District/Company:Other
Depot:USSR Ministry of Railways
Model:2TE10L, 2TE10V
Builder:Luhansk Locomotive works   Luhansk
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Current location and condition are unknown 

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312 KB

 T679.5025 , ČSD — Československé státní dráhy (1945-1993)
 ТЭ3-6200 , Other

СССР, Украинская ССР, Луганская область, Луганский тепловозостроительный завод
USSR, Ukrainian SSR, Lugansk region, Lugansk diesel locomotive works
СРСР, Українська РСР, Луганська область, Луганський тепловозобудівний завод

Фото ЛТЗ

Received from Лебедевский

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Other → USSR Ministry of Railways → 2TE10L, 2TE10V
—  Other → USSR Ministry of Railways
—  Other → 2TE10L, 2TE10V
—  2TE10L, 2TE10V