
Railway District/Company:MŽ — Macedonian Railways
Model:JŽ 661 (HŽ 2061) (G16)
Builder:Diesel Division of General Motors of Canada   London, Ontario
Works number:A2717
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Written off 

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Северная Македония, Скопский регион, депо Лисиче
Macedonia, Skopski region, Lisiche depot
Северна Македонија, Скопски регион, депо Лисиче

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Author: AFC45014

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  MŽ — Macedonian Railways → Lisiče → JŽ 661 (HŽ 2061) (G16)
—  MŽ — Macedonian Railways → Lisiče
—  MŽ — Macedonian Railways → JŽ 661 (HŽ 2061) (G16)
—  JŽ 661 (HŽ 2061) (G16)