232 901-9

232 901-9
Germany, private carriersWedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen (WFL)WFL Wedler Franz Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
DB CargoOberhausen 
RN232 901-9
Netherlands private carriersDB Cargo Nederland N.V. (DBCNL)
232 901-9
DB CargoRostock Seehafenex 234 072-7
234 072-7
DB RegioGörlitz 
DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994)Cottbus232 901-9
DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)Berlin 
232 072-9
132 072-0 Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt)

Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Wedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen (WFL)
Model:BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
Builder:Voroshilovgrad Octoberrevolution Locomotive works  
Works number:0262
Identification number:92 80 0 232 901-9 D-WFL
Category:Main Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: In operation 
Note:WFL Wedler Franz Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
ex 132 072-0
__.0_.1974 — поступил на DR Deutsche Reichsbahn, DDR
30.04.1974 — принят в эксплуатацию
03.05.1974 — придан Bw Karl-Marx-Stadt
01.01.1992 — обозначен 232 072-9
31.03.1992 — реконструкция (max. скорость 140 км/ч) на Ausbesserungswerk Cottbus, oбозначен 234 072-7
c 01.01.1994 — у DB AG · Deutsche Bahn AG, GB Traktion
с 01.01.1998 — DB AG · Deutsche Bahn AG, GB Nahverkehr
с 01.07.1999 — DB Regio AG
__.09.2001 — передан DB Cargo AG, обозначен 232 901-9
07.08.2002 — снят с баланса в Bh Rostock-Seehafen
07.08.2002 — передан Railion BeNeLux N.V., Utrеcht, нёс обозначение RN 232 901-9
с 01.09.2003 — Railion Nederland N.V., Utrecht
01.01.2006 — возвращён в Германию к Railion Deutschland AG
с 16.02.2009 — DB Schenker Rail Deutschland AG
29.10.2015 — передан WFL Wedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen, Potsdam (92 80 0 232 901-9 D-WFL)
· 29.07.2018–01.08.2018 — apeнда SLRS · Salzland Rail Service GmbH, Schönebeck (Elbe)

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Railway District/Company:Germany, private carriers
Depot:Wedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen (WFL)
Identification number:92 80 0 232 901-9 D-WFL
Note:WFL Wedler Franz Logistik GmbH & Co. KG
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
October 2015
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:DB Cargo
Identification number:92 80 1 232 901-9 D-DB
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№:232 901-9
Railway District/Company:DB Cargo
Identification number:92 80 1 232 901-9 D-DB
January 2006
№:RN232 901-9
Railway District/Company:Netherlands private carriers
Depot:DB Cargo Nederland N.V. (DBCNL)
Show full data

№:RN232 901-9
Railway District/Company:Netherlands private carriers
Depot:DB Cargo Nederland N.V. (DBCNL)
August 2002
№:232 901-9
Railway District/Company:DB Cargo
Depot:Rostock Seehafen
Note:ex 234 072-7
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№:232 901-9
Railway District/Company:DB Cargo
Depot:Rostock Seehafen
Note:ex 234 072-7
September 2001
№:234 072-7
Railway District/Company:DB Regio
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702 KB

Германия, Саксония, станция Гёрлиц
Germany, Saxony, Görlitz station
Deutschland, Sachsen, Hauptbahnhof Görlitz

Автор — A. Mundil

Thursday, May 3, 2001
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

Railway District/Company:DB Regio
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994)
Note:232 901-9
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Railway District/Company:DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994)
Note:232 901-9
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)
Show full data

662 KB

Германия, Бранденбург, перегон Вердер — Бранденбург
Germany, Brandenburg, Werder — Brandenburg stretch
Deutschland, Brandenburg, strecke Werder — Brandenburg Hauptbahnhof

Tuesday, June 16, 1992
Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

735 KB

Германия, Берлин, станция Берлин Александерплатц
Germany, Berlin, Berlin Alexanderplatz station
Deutschland, Berlin, Bahnhof Berlin Alexanderplatz

Автор — D. Holz

Monday, June 8, 1992
Received from Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

№:234 072-7
April 1992
№:232 072-9
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№:232 072-9
January 1992
№:132 072-0
Depot:Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt)
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685 KB

 132 039-9 , DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR)

ГДР, округ Лейпциг, станция Гайтхайн
GDR, Leipzig district, Geithain station
DDR, Bezirk Leipzig, Bahnhof Geithain

Sunday, September 16, 1990
Author: Bahnbilder von W. and H. Brutzer

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Lists of rolling stock:

—  Germany, private carriers → Wedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen (WFL) → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DB Cargo → Oberhausen → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  Netherlands private carriers → DB Cargo Nederland N.V. (DBCNL) → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DB Cargo → Rostock Seehafen → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DB Regio → Görlitz → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Cottbus → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Berlin → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt) → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  Germany, private carriers → Wedler & Franz GbR Lokomotivdienstleistungen (WFL)
—  DB Cargo → Oberhausen
—  Netherlands private carriers → DB Cargo Nederland N.V. (DBCNL)
—  DB Cargo → Rostock Seehafen
—  DB Regio → Görlitz
—  DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → Cottbus
—  DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Berlin
—  DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → Chemnitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt)
—  Germany, private carriers → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DB Cargo → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  Netherlands private carriers → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DB Regio → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DBAG — German Federal Railroad (1994) → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) → BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)
—  BR 132 / 232 / 233 / 234 (ТЭ109)