Railway District/Company:Railways of the USA
Depot:Illinois Railway Museum
Builder:GM’s Electro-Motive Division   La Grange
Works number:10538
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
Поступил в музей от компании "Commonwealth Edison"

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США, штат Иллинойс, округ Юнион
United States, Illinois, Union county

Saturday, July 5, 2014
Author: Роман В.

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Entries with the same name:

Model Depot Built Note
15 (Steam locomotives) EBT 02.1914 колея 914 мм
15 (Steam locomotives) Steamtown NHS 06.1916 Построен для компании Rahway Valley RR
15 AC4400CW CSXT 1994
15 P42DC AMTK 09.1996
15 MP36PH-3C MARC 02.2010

Lists of rolling stock:

—  Railways of the USA → Illinois Railway Museum → SW1
—  Railways of the USA → Illinois Railway Museum
—  Railways of the USA → SW1
—  SW1