
Okręg kolejowy/Spółka:Prydniprovska Railway
Lokomotywownia:Dnieper Directorate of the branch Center for Construction and Repair of Tracks
Seria:VPR02, VPR02K
Producent:Kaluga mashinery plant   Kaluga
Nr. ID lokomotywy:19532266
Aktualny stan taboru: Czynny 
Przypis:ПМС-6 Илларионово

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Lista taboru kolejowego:

—  Prydniprovska Railway → Dnieper Directorate of the branch Center for Construction and Repair of Tracks → VPR02, VPR02K
—  Prydniprovska Railway → Dnieper Directorate of the branch Center for Construction and Repair of Tracks
—  Prydniprovska Railway → VPR02, VPR02K
—  VPR02, VPR02K