
West Siberian railwaySiberian locomotive company LLCЛесосибирский ЛДК №1
 East Siberian RailwayPrivate depots at the enterprisesООО "Усольеxимпром" (п. Усолье-Сибирское)

Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:Siberian locomotive company LLC
Builder:Bryansk mashinery plant   Bryansk
Category:Shunting Diesel Locomotives
Current condition: Out of order 
Note:Лесосибирский ЛДК №1
Ранее — ООО «Усольеxимпром», п. Усолье-Сибирское.
Позднее ООО «Сибирская локомотивная компания», аренда Лесосибирский ЛДК № 1.

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Россия, Красноярский край, подъездной путь от станции Лесосибирск-II
Russia, Krasnoyarsk krai, branch line from the Lesosibirsk-II station

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Author: romik80

Railway District/Company:West Siberian railway
Depot:Siberian locomotive company LLC
Note:Лесосибирский ЛДК №1
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Railway District/Company:East Siberian Railway
Depot:Private depots at the enterprises
Note:ООО "Усольеxимпром" (п. Усолье-Сибирское)
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Lists of rolling stock:

—  West Siberian railway → Siberian locomotive company LLC → TEM2UM
—  East Siberian Railway → Private depots at the enterprises → TEM2UM
—  West Siberian railway → Siberian locomotive company LLC
—  East Siberian Railway → Private depots at the enterprises
—  West Siberian railway → TEM2UM
—  East Siberian Railway → TEM2UM