183 030-6
Чехия, Прага, перегон Розтоки-у-Праги — Прага-Бубенеч
Czech Republic, Prague, Roztoky-u-Prahy-Prague-Bubenech stretch
Česko, Hlavní město Praha, mezistaniční úsek Roztoky u Prahy — Praha-Bubeneč

Автор: MakoVonMako · ČDC           Дата: 12 февраля 2021 г.

Информация о фотографии

Опубликовано 16.12.2024 16:30 MSK
Просмотров — 362
Подробная информация

183 030-6

Дорога приписки:Železničná spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia   ŽSCS
Серия:183 (E 669.3)
Завод-изготовитель:Škoda, oborový podnik   Пльзень
Заводской тип:61E1
Заводской №:6209
Сетевой №:91 56 6 183 030-6
Категория:Магистральные электровозы
Текущее состояние:Эксплуатируется

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Комментарии · 4

16.12.2024 18:01 MSK
Denis Solovev · Калининград-Пассажирский
Фото: 889 · Модератор комментариев / Общий редактор
Wow, is this a rare guest in these parts?
+2 / –0
16.12.2024 18:35 MSK
MakoVonMako · ČDC
Фото: 125
It was a relatively rare machine to catch, it was borrowed by a private carrier from ZSSKC. Sadly because of the new ETCS signalling system and also due to Žilina station being switched from 3 kV DC to 25 kV AC, Slovak DC machines such as the 183 class will not be able to visit CZ from the 1st of January 2025 anymore.
+2 / –0
16.12.2024 18:38 MSK
Denis Solovev · Калининград-Пассажирский
Фото: 889 · Модератор комментариев / Общий редактор
Oh, that's a shame. And what will be the habitat of the 183 then?
+1 / –0
16.12.2024 19:54 MSK
MakoVonMako · ČDC
Фото: 125
For the few that still remain, from the freight station Žilina-Teplička (the transition from DC to AC will happen somewhere between this substation of Žilina, and Žilina proper) eastwards.
If I had to guess they will be, or already are, transferred from the Žilina depot to Čierna nad Tisou depot. They only have a single regular freight train left, that being the short border service from Čierna nad Tisou to Chop, Ukraine. I believe they have some sort of a Škoda subsidiary factory there which requires parts made in Mladá Boleslav, which is what the 183 tows there.
Other than that they infrequently show up on random freight trains from Čierna nad Tisou, when there isnt a class 131 locomotive available I assume. That being said there is really just a few left. Other than this one, numbers 001, 004, 011 and 043 are all thats left. Of course those are the ones owned by ZSSKC, you have potentially still dozens left, if you count the many 181/182/183 machines owned by mainly Polish, but also some Czech and Slovak companies.
Much more endangered than these are the 181/182 locos owned by the our ČD Cargo, which will either be sold or probably scrapped, because of the ETCS issue.
+3 / –0

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