Real name: | Jakub Makovský |
Birthday: | 17. 10. 2000 |
Registration date: | 03.01.2024 MSK |
Rating: | photos +48, comments +3 |
Sex: | male |
Knowledge of languages: | Czech, English |
User's time: | 19:22 (+1 hr.) |
Last visit: | 16.01.2025 MSK at 21:19 MSK (online) |
User about himself
Just a Czech traindriver with a passion for Czech, Slovak, Balkan and former-USSR railroads. :)
Happy to help with taking photos in CZ/SK and any other countries I have visited...
Just not too proficient in the Russian language so far (I am mostly using Google translate if I do reply to you in Russian, so sorry for any grammatical errors), but maybe some day. Feel free to message me in English though!
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