Rail vehicles without photos

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, LLP Company Zhol zhondeushi

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsმოდელიდეპოშესწორებაLast PhotoTotal Photos
Duomatic 08-32U 6075 Duomatic 08-32 Zhol zhondeushi 0
Duomatic 08-32U 6076 Duomatic 08-32 Zhol zhondeushi 0
WD400W-15005 WD400W Zhol zhondeushi 0
ВПО3000-??? VPO3000 Zhol zhondeushi 0
УК25/9-18 567 UK25/9-18 Zhol zhondeushi 0
УК25/9-18 754 UK25/9-18 Zhol zhondeushi 0
2 DC32IV-0017 DC32IV Zhol zhondeushi 25 აპრილი 2022 წელი 1
2 SPZ350-0016 SPZ350 Zhol zhondeushi 25 აპრილი 2022 წელი 1
2 WD400W-15003 WD400W Zhol zhondeushi 25 აპრილი 2022 წელი 1