Rail vehicles without photos

Finland railway, Jokioinen museum railway

Here are the rail vehicles with no photos during at least the last year.
Sort by:  last photo's date · name/number
YearsModelDepotNoteLast PhotoTotal Photos
4 (Steam locomotives) Jokioinen 0
10 5 (Steam locomotives) Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2
10 5 (Steam locomotives) Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2
10 6 (Steam locomotives) Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2
10 Мг/ф2.5-067 MOVE21 Jokioinen July 13, 2014 1
10 ТУ4-2091 TU4 Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2
10 7 (unknown model) Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2
10 1 (Steam locomotives) Jokioinen July 13, 2014 2