Lista pojazdów

Other, Railway Transport of the Russian Empire, Щ

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Nr. fabryczny Wyprodukowano Lokomotywownia
Щ.1509 1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2127 1823 01.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2130 1826 01.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2132 1828 01.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2136 1832 02.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2137 1833 04.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2138 1899 11.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2139 1900 11.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2140 1901 11.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2141 1902 11.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щн.2142 1903 11.1911 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.4034 1908 Ministry of Defence
Щ.5076 2001 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5080 2005 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5081 2006 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5082 2008 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5083 2009 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5085 2010 11.1913 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5086 2027 01.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5087 2028 01.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5088 2029 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5089 2030 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5090 2031 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5091 2032 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5092 2033 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5093 2034 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5094 2035 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire
Щ.5095 2036 02.1914 Other of the Russian Empire

Pokazano wpisów: 28 z 28

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