Popis vozila

Other, Railway Transport of the Russian Empire, Я

Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Godina proizvodnje Depo
Я.65 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.569 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.570 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.571 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.572 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.573 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.574 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.575 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.576 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.577 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.578 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.579 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.580 1900 Other of the Russian Empire
Бн.581 1900 Other of the Russian Empire

Prikazano zapisa: 14 of 14

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