Popis vozila

Jugozapadna željeznica, Ukranian Railway, СДП, СДПМ, СДПМ2

Razvrstati s obzirom na:  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Serijski broj  ·  Brojčanu oznaku  ·  Godinu proizvodnje  ·  Datum otpisa

Brojčana oznaka Identifikacijski broj Godina proizvodnje Depo Napomena
СДП-426 19350263 1960 Service is the path ПЧ-5
СДП-439 19350396 1961 Service is the path ПЧ-6
СДП-480 19350800 1961 Service is the path ПЧ-20
СДП-618 19351188 1961 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Конотоп
СДП-701 19351014 1961 Service is the path ПЧ-9 Жмеринка
СДП-703 Service is the path ПЧ-3 Киев
СДП-791 19351915 1962 Service is the path ПЧ-4
СДП-821 19351212 1962 Service is the path ПЧ-7
СДП-822 19351220 1963 Service is the path ПЧ-8 Винница
СДП-866 19351667 1962 Service is the path ПЧ-4 Фастов
СДП-878 19351782 1963 Service is the path ПЧ-18
СДП-996 19351964 1962 Service is the path ПЧ-18
СДП-997 19351972 1963 Service is the path ПЧ-1
СДП-1014 19351147 1962 Service is the path ПЧ-9 Жмеринка
СДП-1025 19351261 1963 Service is the path ПЧ-7 Погребыще
СДПМ-1180 19353804 1964 Service is the path ПЧ-6 Хутор-Михайловский
СДПМ-1190 19353903 1964 Service is the path ПЧ-14
СДПМ-1276 19353762 1964 Service is the path ПЧ-13 Коростень
СДПМ-1278 19353788 1965 Service is the path ПЧ-15 Житомир
СДПМ-1360 19353606 1966 Service is the path ПЧ-11
СДПМ-1455 19353556 Service is the path ПЧ-10
СДПМ-1485 19352855 1966 Service is the path ПЧ-5
СДПМ-1501 19353028 Service is the path ПЧ-20
СДПМ-1531 19353317 1965 Service is the path ПЧ-13 Коростень
СДПМ-1707 19353069 1968 Service is the path ПЧ-19
СДПМ-1809 19353093 1969 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Конотоп
СДПМ-1927 19353275 1971 Service is the path ПЧ-2
СДПМ-1996 19353960 1971 Service is the path ПЧ-15
СДПМ-2186 19353861 1973 Service is the path ПЧ-7
СДПМ-2284 19352848 1974 Service is the path ПЧ-19
СДПМ-2431 19352319 1976 Service is the path ПЧ-14
СДПМ-2515 19353150 1976 Service is the path ПЧ-10
СДПМ-2516 19353168 1977 Service is the path ПЧ-11 Овруч
СДПМ2-2704 19353044 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-8 Винница
СДПМ2-3226 19354273 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-3 Киев
СДПМ2-3273 19353739 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Конотоп
СДПМ2-3393 19354935 1989 Service is the path ПЧ-18
СДПМ-3587 19352871 1988 Service is the path ПЧ-15 Житомир

Prikazano zapisa: 38 of 38

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