List of the vehicles

MÁV 490

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Serial type Works number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
3 70-15 5255 1942 1946 Hungary, other companies GVI, other Debreceni Városi Gazdasági Vasút
490.023 3156 24.07.1957 L'vivska Railway Beregovo
490.030 L'vivska Railway Beregovo
490.032 1916 24.07.1957 L'vivska Railway Beregovo
490.033 4271 1916 09.1957 L'vivska Railway Children's rail Ужгородская ДЖД
490.034 70-15 5255 1942 10.1945 Magyar Államvasutak Other
490.034 70-15 5255 1942 19.03.1963 Magyar Államvasutak Szob
490.036 1941 24.07.1957 L'vivska Railway Beregovo
490.037 5258 1942 19.09.1957 L'vivska Railway Children's rail Ужгородская ДЖД
490.038 70-15 5259 1942 13.07.1965 Magyar Államvasutak Debrecen-Fatelep
490.039 70-15 5260 1942 Magyar Államvasutak Budapest-Hűvösvölgy
490.046 70-15 5267 1942 03.1960 Sverdlovsk Railway Sukholozhsky concrete
490.049 70-15 5270 1942 Magyar Államvasutak Szeged-Átrakó
490.056 70-21 5848 1950 Magyar Államvasutak Budapest-Hűvösvölgy
490.057 70-21 5849 1950 12.1981 GySEV Memorials Nagycenk
55-99 5599 1947 Bosnia and Herzegovina, other companies RMU Banovići

Records shown: 16 of 16

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In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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