List of the vehicles

(Steam locomotives)

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««1234 ··· 7»»
Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Railway Depot Note
00 0-2-0 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Museum Havana
?? Romania, other companies CFI
№? Latvian Railways Broceni CSС Железнодорожный паровой кран
Ь.III October Railway Other
Nancy 0-2-0Т Railways of the USA RDG
б/н 11.1920 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
OK.Ⅰ 06.1945 Estonian Railway Tallinn-Väike
OK.ⅠⅠ 06.1945 Estonian Railway Tallinn-Väike
Jung D ≤ 1968 Moscow Railway LFR & EFR Лопатинский фосфоритный рудник
Billy Killingworth Billy ≈ 1816 United Kingdom Railways Other
John Bull 0-2-0 1831 Railways of the USA National Museum of American Hi первый привезенный из Англии паровоз
Atlantic 0-2-0 1836 Railways of the USA B&O
Rocket 03.1838 Railways of the USA Franklin Institute Science Mus
John Stevens 0-2-0 1863 Railways of the USA Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani
ARLÓ 1058 1870 1908 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ Колея 1000 мм
ÓZD 1059 1870 1908 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ Колея 1000 мм
NÁDASD 1060 1870 1908 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ Колея 1000 мм
б/н 1870 11.1920 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
б/н 1874 1926 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
б/н 578 1878 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vanamõisa Oilfields Ltd. (Карьер Ванамыйза)
BÁNSZÁLLÁS 8-1 32 1879 1908 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ Колея 1000 мм
0 1882 07.1978 China Railway Corporation Other
б/н 1886 1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja-Lääne Metallurgia, Mehaanika ja Laevaehituse Tehaste AS (Северо-Западные металлургические, механические и кораблестроительные заводы)
б/н 1886 1926 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
Pikku Pässi 2517 1891 Finland railway Other Экспонат в музее Fiskars
Minör 1892 1928 Other Other Countries Памятник в Рейкьявике (Исландия)
I 67 1894 1906 Hungary, other companies Other Gyulavidéki HÉV
б/н 1895 1926 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
б/н 102 1895 1928 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
б/н T3 251 1896 Pivdenna Railway Other Харьковский паровозостроительный завод
I 1039 1896 1922 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Hernádvölgyi Vasipari Rt.
II 1040 1896 1922 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Hernádvölgyi Vasipari Rt.
б/н 1899 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Eesti Dvigatel AS
б/н 4034 1899 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Русское акционерное общество целлюлозной фабрики "Вальдгоф"
Pionér 189? 1928 Other Other Countries Памятник в Árbaer (Исландия)
"Sepperl" 1902 Germany, Other DB Museum
б/н 2663 1903 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Eesti Turbatööstused AS (Государственная торфяная промышленность)
б/н 2669 1903 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Eesti Turbatööstused AS (Государственная торфяная промышленность)
Ruukin Pässi 5296 1905 Finland railway Ilmala Экспонат в музее Strömfors Ruukki (Ruotsinpyhtaa)
б/н 5175 1905 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Русское акционерное общество целлюлозной фабрики "Вальдгоф"
б/н 1542/II 1906 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Eesti Turbatööstused AS (Государственная торфяная промышленность)
Dagupan 1021 1907 Philippine National Railways Other
JÁRDÁNHÁZA OZD 4 1907 1908 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ Колея 1000 мм
б/н 2604/II 1909 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Höjgaard & Schultz AS
б/н 9215 1909 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Höjgaard & Schultz AS
Суторман 7601 1910 Railways of Montenegro Other Памятник на ст. Бар
Ловћен 4115 1910 1952 JŽ — Jugoslavenske željeznice Other
б/н 5673 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Paberivabrik Koil AS (Кохилаская бумажная фабрика)
б/н 3579 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja paberi- ja tselluloosivabrik AS (Северная бумажно-целлюлозная фирма)
б/н 4257 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
б/н 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vene-Balti Laevaehitus- ja Mehaanikatehase AS (Русско-Балтийский Механический и Судостроительный завод)
??? 1912 Krasnoyarsk Railway
Ак 1912 1960 Kuybyshev Railway Beloretsk
б/н 6778 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vanamõisa Oilfields Ltd. (Карьер Ванамыйза)
б/н 6746 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Höjgaard & Schultz AS
б/н 1913 1926 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja-Lääne Metallurgia, Mehaanika ja Laevaehituse Tehaste AS (Северо-Западные металлургические, механические и кораблестроительные заводы)
б/н 7169 1914 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja paberi- ja tselluloosivabrik AS (Северная бумажно-целлюлозная фирма)
б/н 8976 1914 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Pauline Kaddak (Известняковая фабрика Ракке)
б/н 7655 1917 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Eesti Kiviõli AS
б/н 2071 1919 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Lehtse turbatööstus
б/н 9036 1920 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Kreenholmi Puuvilla Manufaktuuri OÜ (Кренгольмская мануфактура)
б/н 676 1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Vanamõisa Oilfields Ltd. (Карьер Ванамыйза)
б/н 10108 1922 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Höjgaard & Schultz AS
б/н 10109 1922 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Höjgaard & Schultz AS
б/н 8328 1924 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja paberi- ja tselluloosivabrik AS (Северная бумажно-целлюлозная фирма)
б/н 8604 1925 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja paberi- ja tselluloosivabrik AS (Северная бумажно-целлюлозная фирма)
Tom Thumb 1-1-0 1927 Railways of the USA B&O
Pässi 4552 1929 Finland railway Other
Джон Стивенс 2-1-2 1939 Railways of the USA Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani
John Bull 1-2-0 1940 Railways of the USA Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani
D 0-4-0F 1940 Railways of the USA Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani
??? 25328 1942 East Siberian Railway Irkutsk heavy machinery
??? 16463 1942 East Siberian Railway Irkutsk heavy machinery
Muki 67 1894 02.1955 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Rácz féle Kotróvállalat, Miskolc
T.n Estonian Railway Enefit Kaevandused
Pankakoski Porter 8180 1948 Finland railway Other Экспонат в музее Pielisen
Piroska CP600 3225 1953 06.1975 Hungary, other companies Bakonyi Bauxit
ANDRÁS 85-11 4756 1924 GySEV Fertőboz
Су00-01 1936 Krasnoyarsk Railway
1 1-3-0 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Lenin Park
1 Japan, other Другие
1 1-2-0 October Railway Bologovskoe
Helfmann № 1 ≤ 1968 Moscow Railway LFR & EFR Лопатинский фосфоритный рудник
1 42 03.1843 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Museum Havana Собственное имя "La Junta"
1'' G 2/2 338 1874 1892 Lausanne − Échallens − Bercher (LEB) ECH "Lausanne"
1 Ed 2/2 52 1874 05.1909 Other GB
1 C 2/2 166 1870 1889 Other NOB
1 G 2/2 1880 1928 Other WB "Dr. Bider"
1 Bhm 1/2 1886 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
1 Bzt-n2 701 1889 Austria private carriers Achenseebahn "Eben am Achensee (Theodor)"
1 HG 3/3 1890 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
Rauma №1 992 1896 Private carriers Other
1 224 1897 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Port Kunda AS (Цементная фабрика Порт-Кунда)
1 Weitzer 14 1897 1906 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Hernádvölgyi Vasipari Rt.
Raahe №1 16634 1899 Finland railway Other
№1 846 1904 The State Railways of the Turk Other Северный Кипр
1 ≈ 1904 The State Railways of the Turk Other Памятник в городе Газимагуса (Фамагуста), Северный Кипр
1 66 1771 1904 Hungary, other companies Other A.E.G.V.
1 B1zzh2t 1907 1957 France, other companies CMB
1 6272 1911 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
1 08.1912 Other Other Паровоз-памятник в Коринто / Никарагуа
1 12446 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Asserin AS (Цементная фабрика Аззерин)
1 6688 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Esimene Eesti Põlevkivitööstus AS (Государственная сланцевая промышленность)
1 7843 1914 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Järvakandi Tehased AS (Стекольная фабрика Ярваканди)
1 1-3-1 41649 1914 Railways of the USA Steamtown NHS Построен для компании Brooks
1 8586 1925 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Küttejõud AS (Рудник Кютте-Йыуд)
1 1514 1929 1957 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
1 10737 1937 1958 Estonian Railway Punane Kunda
1 2313 1901 Finland railway Jokioinen Äänekoski-Suolahti Rautatien no. 1 "Porter"
1 0-3-0 5966 1917 Railways of the USA RCS "Томас"
№1 Monta 20925 1927 Germany, Other DB Museum
V1 2446 1941 Germany, Other DB Museum Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e. V
Км.1 Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Children railways Целиноградская ДЖД
B.1 Latvian Railways Latvian locomotives
Ь.1 North Caucasus Railway Novorossiysk
№ 1 Far Eastern Railway Dalpolimetall
№ 1 Sverdlovsk Railway EMRT
А.1 1858 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Е.1 1860 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire Построен заводом Стюарт, Манчестер
Та.1 1865 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
Бт.1 1865 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
Ье.1 1869 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Гш.1 1870 October Railway Other
М.1 67 1870 1907 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Т.1 1870 05.1921 October Railway Other
В.1 354 1871 1905 Northern Railway Losta
№ 1 192 1873 Private carriers Other Kerava — Porvoo № 1
Тш.1 1875 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бш.1 1876 October Railway Other
Б.1 1876 Prydniprovska Railway Other
Бк.1 1877 October Railway Other
Тт.1 1877 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
Гм.1 1879 October Railway Other Построен заводом Мальцова, Брянск
№ 1 41 1288 1891 Gorky Railway Other
Ab.1 981 1895 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
Cv.1 B VIII 5790 1908 1918 ÖBB — Austrian Federal Railways Other
№ 1 6409 1911 late 1930s October Railway Narrow gauge industrial Краснопресненское Т/П (Кулицкая торфоразработка)
Е.1 126 4120 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway
ВЛ-1 1914 06.1957 Moscow Railway Moscow ChRW
Kk.1 7208 1914 22.06.1957 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
K.1 7205 1914 09.1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
ТП1-1 1939 Moscow Railway VNIIZHT
БП1-01 30.08.1940 Other USSR Ministry of Railways
T.1 2548 1943 Estonian Railway Valga
Lok 1 FLC 14949 03-163 Lok 1 1987 Germany, Other DB Museum Interessengemeinschaft Dampflok Nossen e. V.
01 005 11997 1925 Germany, Other DB Museum Verkehrsmuseum Dresden gGmbH, Dresden
ТКи1-06 October Railway Other
01 008 S 36.20 12000 1925 Germany, Other DB Museum Железнодорожный музей Бохум-Дальхаузен
Тв1-21 Gorky Railway Murom
Tki1-24 Other Other
01-025 20828 11.1927 03.11.1975 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Magdeburg
01 030 20833 1927 10.1950 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Erfurt
Тв1-31 South Urals Railways Private Курганская ТЭЦ
Тв1-47 South Urals Railways Private Курганская ТЭЦ
М1-66 207 1913 1934 Finland railway Other
D1-72 294 1872 1923 Finland railway Other Hyvinkää–Hanko №12 "Gisiko"
D1-73 295 1872 1913 Finland railway Other Hyvinkää–Hanko №13 "Arnold"
E1-74 16471 1898 Finland railway Ilmala Ahlström Oy
E1-75 16472 1898 Finland railway Other Karhula Oy
01 114 S 36.20 10312 12.1934 1970 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Berlin
Ь1-120 04.1961 West Siberian railway Private
01 136 22578 1935 1963 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Erfurt
G1-171 G1 817 Finland railway Other
01 203 23255 1936 12.1969 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Meiningen
01 204 S 36.20 23256 1936 Germany, Other DB Museum Dampflok-Museum Hermeskeil
001 210-5 1614 1937 09.1971 DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) Nürnberg
Ок1-222 1922 01.1953 Gorky Railway Other
R1/8-326 October Railway Novosokolniky
Х1.477 Prydniprovska Railway Other
01 0507-2 22578 1935 05.1981 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Pasewalk
01 0534-6 23255 1936 14.06.1984 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Altenburg
1803 1-4-0 52195 1918 ???? Ferrocarriles de Cuba Museum Havana
1804 1-4-0 52245 1919 ???? Ferrocarriles de Cuba Museum Havana
2 Sweden, other companies Other
2 Japan, other Другие
2 1-2-0 October Railway Bologovskoe
2 Bhm 1/2 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
Helfmann № 2 ≤ 1968 Moscow Railway LFR & EFR Лопатинский фосфоритный рудник
2 Ed 2/2 53 1874 05.1909 Other GB
2 C 2/2 167 1870 1890 Other NOB
2 G 2/2 1880 Other WB "Rehhag"
б/н (2) 1886 1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja-Lääne Metallurgia, Mehaanika ja Laevaehituse Tehaste AS (Северо-Западные металлургические, механические и кораблестроительные заводы)
2 HG 3/3 1890 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
2 669х 1893 East Siberian Railway Lena Gold
Rauma №2 1023 1897 Private carriers Other
Raahe №2 16635 1899 Finland railway Other
2 C1'-h2t 4506 1900 Austria private carriers ZB "Zillertal"
2 B1zzh2t 1907 1959 France, other companies CMB
2 6617 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Asserin AS (Цементная фабрика Аззерин)
2 230 1914 Finland railway Museum
2 1914 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Järvakandi Tehased AS (Стекольная фабрика Ярваканди)
2 256 1916 Finland railway Jokioinen
2 1-3-0 49554 08.1918 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ колея 705 мм
2 1920 Railways of the USA WK&S
2 109-3 4859 1924 02.1949 Hungary, other companies GVI Mezőhegyes
2 8587 1925 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Küttejõud AS (Рудник Кютте-Йыуд)
2 1515 1929 1963 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
2 12782 1936 Finland railway Jokioinen
№2 8461 1924 Estonian Railway Enefit Kaevandused
2 Cn2t 3332 1954 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
2 26625 1967 Germany, Other DB Museum Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
2 Bzt-n2 702 1889 Austria private carriers Achenseebahn "Jenbach (Hermann)"
2 1-3-0 56920 09.1923 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Lenin Park колея 914 мм
№2 Emma 9445 1925 Germany, Other DB Museum
La 2/4-5469 National Company of the French Railways Other
B.2 Latvian Railways Latvian locomotives
Ь.2 October Railway Novosokolniky
Г.2 October Railway Other
Ь.2 Gorky Railway Alatyr
А.2 1858 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Е.2 1860 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire Построен заводом Стюарт, Манчестер
Та.2 1865 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
Ье.2 1869 Other Other of the Russian Empire
П.2 66 1869 Pivdenna Railway Other
Гш.2 1870 October Railway Other
М.2 1870 1907 Other Other of the Russian Empire
В.2 355 1871 Northern Railway Other Колея 1067 мм
Ю.2 1871 1906 Other Other of the Russian Empire
№ 2 193 1873 Private carriers Other Kerava-Porvoo № 2
Тш.2 1875 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бш.2 1876 October Railway Other
Б.2 1876 Prydniprovska Railway Other
Бк.2 1877 October Railway Other
Гм.2 1879 October Railway Other
Ь.2 1882 02.1927 October Railway Other
G 2/2 Ticino G 2/2 59 1889 Other Other Privat
Д.2 1896 Moscow Railway Private Московский ЭМЗ им. Владимира Ильича
Т.2 77 2655 1901 Russia, other Other
№ 2 1908 October Railway VPPZhT
Е.2 126 4121 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway
SC 2 5847 1912 1952 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Sarkadi Cukorgyár
№ 2 6672 1913 1931 October Railway Narrow gauge industrial Краснопресненское Т/П (Кулицкая торфоразработка)
№ 2 1-3-0 57797 1924 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ Колея 762 мм
Semboro 2 11739 1928 Kereta Api Indonesia Other
T.2 2549 1943 1947 Estonian Railway Enefit Kaevandused
K-2 7206 1914 10.1940 October Railway Narrow gauge industrial Дмитровское Т/П
TKh2-12 534 1890 Poland, other companies Muzeum Przemysłu i Kolejnictwa
TKw2-57 T16.1 6917 1919 Polish State Railways (PKP) Bytom
F2-63 16635 1899 02.1927 Finland railway Oulu Raahe №2
01 1063 BR 01.10 11319 1939 1968 DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) Bebra
01 1063 BR 01.10 11319 1939 06.1975 Germany, Other Nürnberg Museum
01 1066 11322 1939 1968 DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) Osnabrück
01 1066 11322 1939 1992 Germany, Other DB Museum Ulmer Eisenbahnfreunde e. V., Amstetten
01 1066 11322 088 121-9 1939 1999 Germany, Other DB Museum Ulmer Eisenbahnfreunde e. V., Amstetten
01 1066 11322 088 121-9 1939 07.2008 Germany, Other DB Museum UEF — Historischer Dampfschnellzug e. V., Stuttgart
01 1066 11322 90 80 0012 066-1 D-HDS 1939 Germany, Other DB Museum UEF — Historischer Dampfschnellzug e. V., Stuttgart
01 1076 11332 1940 1968 DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) DR (1920-1948)
01 1102 11358 1940 1968 DB — Deutsche Bundesbahn (1949) Kassel
01 1102 11358 1940 1994 Germany, Other DB Museum Magistrat der Stadt Bebra
01 1102 11358 1940 2002 Germany, Other DB Museum K&K Eisenbahn, Berlin
01 1102 11358 1940 2004 Germany, Other DB Museum TransEurop Eisenbahn AG, Basel
01 1102 11358 1940 12.2013 Germany, Other DB Museum Deutsche-Reichsbahn-Tradition
01 1102 11358 1940 Germany, Other DB Museum TransEurop Eisenbahn AG
02 0201-0 S 36.20 — 18 201 DR 89 90 80 1018 201-6 1961 1992 Germany, Other DB Museum
2 670 1899 National Company of the French Railways Other
La E 3/3 National Company of the French Railways Other
3 Russia, other Other Узкоколейный танк паровоз 0-3-0
3 Moscow Railway Narrow gauge industrial Богородско-Глуховская мануфактура
3 1-3-0 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Lenin Park
3 Sweden, other companies Other
3 Sweden, other companies Other
3 1-2-0 October Railway Bologovskoe
3 Bhm 1/2 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
3 2-2-0 1843 Railways of the USA Franklin Institute Science Mus
3 G 2/2 1562 1874 1904 Lausanne − Échallens − Bercher (LEB) ECH "Talent"
3 Ed 2/2 54 1874 05.1909 Other GB
3 2-2-0 1876 Railways of the USA National Museum of American Hi
3 C 2/2 168 1870 1888 Other NOB
3 Ed 3/3 229 1881 Other Other "Langnau"
3 0-2-1Т 6753 1883 Railways of the USA Railroad Museum of Pennsylvani колея 914 мм
б/н (3) 1886 1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Põhja-Lääne Metallurgia, Mehaanika ja Laevaehituse Tehaste AS (Северо-Западные металлургические, механические и кораблестроительные заводы)
3 2-2-0 2612 1887 Railways of the USA New Jersey Museum of Transport Колея 914 мм
3 HG 3/3 1890 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
Rauma №3 1024 1897 Private carriers Other
3 1134 1903 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Port Kunda AS (Цементная фабрика Порт-Кунда)
№3 124 1907 10.1944 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
3 B1zzh2t 1907 1966 France, other companies CMB
3 1027 1910 1957 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
3 Hb68 (LT) 157 06.05.1910 Finland railway Other Памятник в зале городского собрания г. Карккила
3 1304 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Küttejõud AS (Рудник Кютте-Йыуд)
3 133 4179 1912 Gorky Railway Vyksa works "Лесовик"
3 6689 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Esimene Eesti Põlevkivitööstus AS (Государственная сланцевая промышленность)
3 1914 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Järvakandi Tehased AS (Стекольная фабрика Ярваканди)
3 7536 1919 Private carriers Other ЦБК Энсо Гутцайт № 3
3 0-3-0 67536 08.1927 Railways of the USA Steamtown NHS Построен для компании E.J. Lavino Steel Co.
3 11990 1929 Finland railway Jokioinen Äänekoski-Suolahden Rautatie no. 3 "Termospullo"
3 Dn2t 1017 1944 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
3 Bzt-n2 703 1889 Austria private carriers Achenseebahn "Achenkirch (Georg)"
3 C1't-n2v 4790 1902 Austria private carriers ZB "Tirol"
B.3 Latvian Railways Latvian locomotives
Ь.3 Donetska Railway YMP
Ь.3 1949 Gorky Railway Votkinsk works
А.3 1858 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
С.3 2/3 3 1859 ???? Latvian Railways Other Риго-Динабургская ж. д.
Бп.3 1291 15.05.1862 1905 Northern Railway Other
Гш.3 1870 October Railway Other
В.3 356 1871 Northern Railway Other Колея 1067 мм
Тш.3 1875 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Б.3 1876 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бш.3 1876 1909 October Railway Other
Гм.3 1879 October Railway Other
Бк.3 1879 October Railway Other
№ 3 1-3-0 6639 1883 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ колея 762 мм
RS-3 118* 1886 RENFE Other PRIM
А.3 1109 1888 Sverdlovsk Railway NMZ
A.3 1176 1899 Latvian Railways Narrow gauge railway
№ 3 1-3-0 23222 11.1903 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ колея 762 мм
СТ 3 Bn2t 86 1907 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
Е.3 126 4133 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway
RLR 3 188 1912 Finland railway Other Первый паровоз-памятник в Финляндии. Ст. Рийхимяки
Кг.3 132 4449 1912 Uzbekistan railways Other
Ьп.3 141 4484 1914 Other USSR Industrial rolling stock
K.3 7207 1914 09.1921 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
Kk.3 7209 1914 1944 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940
№ 3 3538 1922 Indian Railways NRM New Delhi
№ 3 1-4-0 57797 1924 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ колея 762 мм
Semboro 3 11927 1929 Kereta Api Indonesia Other
La 3.1290 1936 National Company of the French Railways Other
ЮП-3-01 1936 23.02.1955 Prydniprovska Railway Other Днепропетровская (Сталинская) ДЖД
№ 3 С90С 2209 12.1948 Sverdlovsk Railway EMRT
№ 3 1912 1952 October Railway Volochok
B.3 Estonian Railway Private Синдиская текстильная фабрика имени 1 Декабря
E 3/3 853 E 3/3 629 1890 Other Other Dampfbahn Bern
03-014 5066 1930 1968 JŽ — Jugoslavenske željeznice Other
Кк3-35 7209 1914 Sverdlovsk Railway Bogdanovitch
C3-74 247 1871 Finland railway Other Hyvinkää–Hanko №10 "Antoinette"
C3-75 248 1871 Finland railway Other Hyvinkää–Hanko №11 "Helsingfors"
01 2114-5 S 36.20 10312 12.1934 11.06.1985 DR — Deutsche Reichsbahn (DDR) Eisenach
A3-178 3020 1893 02.1929 Finland railway Other
A3-179 3021 1893 10.1929 Finland railway Other
A3-180 3022 1893 02.1928 Finland railway Other
A3-181 3023 1893 07.1929 Finland railway Other
A3-182 3024 1893 09.1927 Finland railway Other
K3.203 2052 1904 11.1948 Estonian Railway Valga
A3-222 3659 1898 04.1930 Finland railway Other
A3-223 3660 1898 04.1930 Finland railway Other
A3-224 3661 1898 04.1930 Finland railway Other
A3-225 3662 1898 09.1927 Finland railway Other
A3-226 3663 1898 04.1930 Finland railway Other
Sk3-400 49 1903 Finland railway Museum
Vk3-454 I2 106 1906 10.1962 Finland railway Oulu
Vk3-455 I2 107 1906 10.1962 Finland railway Oulu
Vk3-456 I3 108 1906 03.1964 Finland railway Other
Vk3-487 I3 138 1909 03.1964 Finland railway Other
Vk3-488 I3 139 1909 03.1964 Finland railway Other
Vk3-490 I3 142 1909 03.1964 Finland railway Oulu
Vk3-491 I3 143 1909 03.1964 Finland railway Other
Vk3-492 I3 144 1909 03.1964 Finland railway Oulu
Hr2-1900 H11 314 1904 06.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1901 H11 650 1901 11.1950 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1902 H11 763 1905 06.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1903 H11 672 1902 06.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1904 H11 678 1902 10.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1905 H11 673 1902 10.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr2-1906 H11 647 1901 06.1953 Finland railway Other
4 Bhm 1/2 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
4 G 2/2 1563 1874 1908 Lausanne − Échallens − Bercher (LEB) ECH "Mentue"
4 Ed 2/2 55 1874 05.1909 Other GB
4 C 2/2 169 1870 1890 Other NOB
4 Bzt-n2 704 1889 1930 Austria private carriers Achenseebahn "(Carl)"
4 HG 3/3 1890 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
Rauma №4 72 1904 Private carriers Other
4 B1zzh2t 1907 1959 France, other companies CMB
4 2835 1908 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Port Kunda AS (Цементная фабрика Порт-Кунда)
4 1833 1907 11.11.1987 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ
4 1029 1910 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
4 G 4/4 2171 1911 Travys (TVYS) YV "Aliénor"
4 6690 1913 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Esimene Eesti Põlevkivitööstus AS (Государственная сланцевая промышленность)
4 1-3-1 1914 Railways of the USA WK&S
4 7535 1919 Private carriers Other ЦБК Энсо Гутцайт № 4
4 10914 1925 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
4 8816 1926 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Küttejõud AS (Рудник Кютте-Йыуд)
4 23876 1937 Sverdlovsk Railway AUZhD
4 15943 1918 The State Railways of the Turk Rahmi Koch
V4 25955 1942 Germany, Other DB Museum Deutscher Eisenbahn-Verein e. V.
4 2365 1947 Finland railway Jokioinen Jokioinen Museum Rautatie no.4 "Tubize"
D4 "Jumbo" 12022 1954 Germany, Other DB Museum
4 Bzt-n2 2001 Austria private carriers Achenseebahn "Eben am Achensee (Hannah)"
П.4 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Ь.4 North Caucasus Railway Krasnodar
А.4 1858 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бп.4 1292 15.05.1862 1905 Northern Railway Other
Тб.4 1865 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
З.4 1868 1905 Sverdlovsk Railway Other
Гш.4 1870 October Railway Other
А.4 1875 South Urals Railways Other
Бш.4 1875 October Railway Other
Тш.4 1875 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Б.4 1876 Prydniprovska Railway Other
Бк.4 1879 October Railway Other
Гм.4 1880 October Railway Other
В.4 1873 1905 Belarusian Railway Other
№ 4 1-3-0 24617 1904 Ferrocarriles de Cuba MINAZ колея 762 мм
Е.4 126 4134 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway
В.4 357 1871 Iran Railways Other Макинская ж. д.
Lestari 4 1920 Kereta Api Indonesia Other
RAG 4 5683 03.08.1927 Germany, Other DB Museum
T.4 2579 1944 1958 Estonian Railway Enefit Kaevandused
№ 4 1541 1946 Poland, other companies Muzeum
T3-1043 931 1943 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
Ty3-1162 8165 1916 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie WKD 66
Py4-741 Cn2t+t 11007 1925 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
Hr3-1907 H11 356 1906 05.1952 Finland railway Other
Hr3-1908 H11 840 1907 02.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr3-1909 H11 359 1906 09.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr3-1910 H11 79 1908 05.1952 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1911 H11 360 1906 11.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1912 H11 75 1907 06.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1913 H11 88 1907 11.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1914 H11 820 1907 09.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1915 H11 797 1906 06.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1916 H11 364 1906 11.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1917 H11 64 1907 11.1953 Finland railway Tampere
Hr3-1918 H11 76 1907 09.1953 Finland railway Other
Hr3-1919 H11 73 1907 09.1953 Finland railway Tampere
5 Russia, other Other
5 Bhm 1/2 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
5 441 1873 Ferrocarriles de Cuba Museum Havana колея 762 мм
5 C 2/2 170 1870 1886 Other NOB
5 Ed 2/2 330 1883 05.1909 Other GB
5 HG 3/3 1893 1956 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
5 1895 1921 Netherlands private carriers Other LTM
№5 75 2707 1901 Donetska Railway Other
5 B1zzh2t 1907 1958 France, other companies CMB
5 1030 1910 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
Rauma №5 199 1912 Private carriers Other бывший Raahe №3
RAG №5 "DEGGENDORF" 5684 05.08.1927 Germany, Other DB Museum
5 9587 1929 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Küttejõud AS (Рудник Кютте-Йыуд)
5 Bn2t 22891 1935 Poland, other companies Muzeum w Sochaczewie
5 1834 1907 1989 Magyar Államvasutak Memorials Istvántelek
5 4843 1911 Estonian Railway Monuments
5 Hb 68 289 1917 Finland railway Jokioinen Hyvinkään-Karkkila Rautatie no. 5 "Sohvi"
5 C1'-h2t 1521 1930 Austria private carriers ZB "Gerlos"
5 2369 1948 Finland railway Jokioinen Jokioisten Museum Rautatie no. 5 “Orion”
05 001 DRG Class 05 14552 1935 Germany, Other Nürnberg Museum
RS-5 RENFE Other
Ь.5 Moscow Railway Private Тульский МЗ им. Рябикова
№ 5 1940 Far Eastern Railway Dalpolimetall
Бг.5 1860 1905 Moscow Railway Other
А.5 1861 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бп.5 1293 28.05.1862 1905 Northern Railway Other
Ап.5 1866 1906 Latvian Railways Other
Гш.5 1870 October Railway Other
В.5 358 1871 1905 Northern Railway Other
Бш.5 1875 October Railway Other
Б.5 1876 Other Other of the Russian Empire
А.5 3604 1878 Donetska Railway Other
А.5 1879 East Siberian Railway Nizneudinsk
Бк.5 1879 October Railway Other
Гм.5 1880 October Railway Other Построен заводом Мальцова, Брянск
Е.5 126 4235 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway
Ь.5 136 1913 Russia, other Other
ASR-5 7194 03.1914 Finland railway Other "Kukkopilli"
T.5 2580 1944 Estonian Railway Valga
Vk5-72 210 1913 10.1962 Finland railway Other Rauma №7
Vk5-73 209 1913 10.1962 Finland railway Other Rauma №8
C5-101 1468 1881 06.1927 Finland railway Oulu
C5-102 1469 1881 11.1919 Finland railway Oulu
C5-103 1470 1881 Northern Railway Other ЦБК Энсо Гутцайт № 2
C5-104 1471 1881 04.1927 Finland railway Oulu
C5-105 1472 1881 08.1929 Finland railway Other
C5-106 1473 1881 10.1929 Finland railway Other
C5-107 1474 1882 07.1930 Finland railway Other
C5-108 1475 1882 09.1928 Finland railway Other
C5-109 1476 1882 Northern Railway Other ЦБК Энсо Гутцайт № 1
C5-111 1478 1882 10.1925 Finland railway Other
C5-112 1479 1882 07.1930 Finland railway Other
C5-113 1509 1882 08.1929 Finland railway Other
C5-114 1510 1882 08.1929 Finland railway Other
6 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Esimene Eesti Põlevkivitööstus AS (Государственная сланцевая промышленность)
6'' K44.9 1977 Germany, Other MBB
6 Bhm 1/2 1937 Pilatus Bahn (PB) Alpnachstadt
6 C 2/2 171 1870 1890 Other NOB
6 Ed 2/2 331 1883 05.1909 Other GB
6 208 1888 MÁV-HÉV Szentendre
6 HG 3/3 1893 Jungfraubahnen (JBH) BOB
6 1896 1921 Netherlands private carriers Other LTM
6 4373 1900 1925 Hungary, other companies Industrial railways, other Borsodi Iparművek, Rudabánya
6 1835 1907 1991 Hungary, other companies ÓKÜ
6 6618 1912 Estonian Railway Locomotives 1870-1940 Port Kunda AS (Цементная фабрика Порт-Кунда)
Rauma №6 209 1913 Private carriers Other
6 1045 1913 1958 South Urals Railways Karabashmed'
6 N (Aa10) 198 1917 Private carriers Other ЦБК Энсо Гутцайт № 6
6 B1zzh2t 1923 1973 France, other companies CMB
6 1961 The State Railways of the Turk Rahmi Koch
6 Gb66 (KT) 141 16.06.1909 Finland railway Jokioinen Loviisa-Vesijärvi Rautatie no. 6 "Helga"
6 B-n2t 7182 1916 Austria private carriers ZB "Hobby-Lok"
Ь.6 Gorky Railway Votkinsk works
Бг.6 1860 1905 Moscow Railway Other Пассажирский паровоз типа 1-2-0
А.6 1861 1905 Other Other of the Russian Empire
Бп.6 1294 28.05.1862 1905 Northern Railway Other
Бт.6 1865 1905 Pivdenno-Zakhidna Railway Other
Ап.6 1866 1906 Latvian Railways Other
Гш.6 1870 ≤ 1910 October Railway Other
В.6 359 1871 Northern Railway Other Колея 1067 мм
Бш.6 1875 October Railway Other
Б.6 1876 Prydniprovska Railway Other
Бк.6 1879 October Railway Other
Гм.6 1880 October Railway Other Построен заводом Мальцова, Брянск
Е.6 126 4236 1911 Moscow Railway Maltsov narrow gauge railway

Records shown: 500 of 3015

««1234 ··· 7»»

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In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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