List of the vehicles

L'vivska Railway, Ukranian Railway

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Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Depot
ВПР1200-188 VPR1200 19521889 1984 Lviv Directorate ССRТ ПМС-125 Дубляны-Львовские
ВПР1200-231 VPR1200 19522317 1985 Lviv Directorate ССRТ ПМС-198 Ужгород
ВПР1200-272 VPR1200 19522721 1986 Service is the path ПЧ-14 Мукачево
ВПР1200-291 VPR1200 19522911 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-17 Броды
ВПР1200-326 VPR1200 19520261 1988 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Львов
ВПРС02-023 VPRS02 19560234 1990 Service is the path ПЧ-16 Ужгород
ВПРС02-064 VPRS02 19560648 1992 Service is the path ПЧ-13 Коломыя
ВПРС02-143 VPRS02 19561430 2001 Service is the path ПЧ-5 Стрый
ВПРС03-012 VPRS03 19555127 2003 Lviv Directorate ССRТ ПМС-198 Ужгород
ВПРС500-051 VPRS500 1981 2011 Service is the path ПЧ-17 Броды
ВПРС500-093 VPRS500 19550938 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-1 Львов
ВПРС500-195 VPRS500 19551951 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-16 Ужгород
ВПРС500-209 VPRS500 19552090 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-19 Киверцы
ВПРС500-224 VPRS500 1988 2011 Service is the path ПЧ-17 Броды
ДЖ45-58 Ya3 18930016 1940 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Ковель
ЗУБМ-053 ZUB 1959 Service is the path ПЧ-2 Подзамче
ТМ-1 ТМ (424) 122 1945 L'vov
ТМ-5 ТМ (424) 122 5491 1945 L'vov
ТМ-9 ТМ (424) 122-15 5495 1945 L'vov
ТМ-10 ТМ (424) 122 5496 1945 L'vov
ТМ-15 ТМ (424) 122-15 5501 23.04.1945 L'vov
ТМ-28 ТМ (424) 122-16 5553 1946 L'vov
ТМ-31 ТМ (424) 122 1946 L'vov
ТМ-37 ТМ (424) 122 5557 1946 L'vov
ТМ-42 ТМ (424) 122 5562 1946 L'vov
ТМ-51 ТМ (424) 122-16 5571 1946 L'vov
ТМ-62 ТМ (424) 122 5530 1948 Kovel'
ТМ-67 ТМ (424) 122-9 5420 1944 12.02.1957 L'vov
ТМ-68 ТМ (424) 122-8 5375 1943 L'vov
ТМ-69 ТМ (424) 122-9 5412 1944 25.11.1960 L'vov

Records shown: 30 of 3030

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Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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