List of the vehicles

Pivdenna Railway, Ukranian Railway, ДГКу

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ID number Built Left/written off Depot Note
ДГку-527 18145276 1970 Service is the path ПЧ-18 Гребенка
ДГКу-728 1971 09.2012 Service is the path ПЧ-4 Лозовая
ДГку-805 18148056 1972 Service is the path ПЧ-4 Лозовая
ДГКу-826 1972 09.2012 Service is the path ПЧ-18 Гребенка
ДГКу-875 1972 02.2012 Service is the path ПЧ-9 Сумы
ДГКу-910 1972 12.2005 Service is the path ПЧ-16 Купянск-Южный
ДГку-990 18149906 1973 Service is the path ПЧ-12
ДГку-1120 18151209 1974 Service is the path ПЧ-16
ДГку-1227 18152272 1974 Service is the path ПЧ-14 Красноград
ДГку-1678 18156786 1976 Service is the path ПЧ-8
ДГкуЯ-1762 18157628 1976 Service is the path ПЧ-19 Прилуки
ДГку-1858 18158584 1977 Service is the path ПЧ-5
ДГку-2111 18141119 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-11 Полтава
ДГку-2211 18142117 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-4 Лозовая
ДГку-2253 18142539 1978 Service is the path ПЧ-4
ДГку-2418 18144188 1979 Signaling & comm ШЧ-4 Лозовая
ДГКу-2419 18144196 Service is the path ПЧ-11 Полтава
ДГку-2489 18144899 1979 Service is the path ПЧ-7
ДГку/5-2745 18167452 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-16
ДГку-2746 18147462 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-19 Прилуки
ДГкуМ1-2845 18148452 1980 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Люботин
ДГку-2947 18149476 1980 Signaling & comm ШЧ-11 Гребенка
ДГку-2965 18149658 1981 Service is the path ПЧ-9 Сумы
ДГку-3003 18150037 1981 Service is the path
ДГКуЯ-3111 18151118 1981 Service is the path ПЧ-10 Люботин
ДГку-3128 18151282 1981 Signaling & comm ШЧ-12
ДГКуя-3315 18153155 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-11 Полтава
ДГку-3324 18153247 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-7 Основа
ДГку-3439 18154393 1982 Service is the path ПЧ-19
ДГку-3750 18157503 1983 Service is the path ПЧ-14 Берестин
ДГку-3778 18157784 1983 Service cars СМЭУ-3
ДГку-4016 18159160 04.1984 Signaling & comm ШЧ-6 Полтава
ДГку-4042 18159426 1984 Service is the path ПЧ-7
ДГКуя-4113 18159137 1984 Service is the path ПЧ-13
ДГку/5-4211 18156117 1985 Service is the path ПЧ-3 Харьков
ДГку-4395 18159954 1985 Service is the path ПЧ-11 Полтава
ДГку-4573 18159731 1986 Service is the path ПМС-39
ДГку/5-4845 18168450 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-16
ДГку/5-4874 18178749 1987 Service is the path ПЧ-15
ДГку/5-5132 18158329 1988 Service is the path ПЧ-12
ДГку/5-5199 18140996 1988 Service cars СМЭУ-3

Records shown: 41 of 41

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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