List of the vehicles

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Locomotive industry LLP

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Model ID number Built Note
ТЭМ18-020 TEM18 1994
ТЭМ18-238 TEM18 15472178 2005
ТЭМ18ДМ-3321 TEM18D, TEM18DM 16029084 2021 Астана
ТЭМ18ДМ-3444 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15035710 28.12.2022
ТЭМ18ДМ-3445 TEM18D, TEM18DM 2022
ТЭМ18ДМ-3458 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15035744 04.2023
ТЭМ18ДМ-3460 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15035769 05.04.2023 Астана
ТЭМ18ДМ-3461 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15035777 06.04.2023
ТЭМ18ДМ-3487 TEM18D, TEM18DM 15035793 08.2023 Астана
ТЭМ2-2114 TEM2, TEM2A 15338460 1970
ТЭМ2-5099 TEM2, TEM2A 15338866 1975
ТЭМ2-5542 TEM2, TEM2A 1977 Выставлен на продажу
ТЭМ2Р-5590 TEM2, TEM2A 1977
ТЭМ2-5714 TEM2, TEM2A 15457324 1977
ТЭМ2-6792 TEM2, TEM2A Выставлен на продажу
ТЭМ2-6915 TEM2, TEM2A 15338395 1981
ТЭМ2У-9179 TEM2U 15431596 1988
ТЭМ2УМ-017 TEM2UM 15461130 1989 АО "Акмолинский вагоноремонтный завод"
ТЭМ2УМ-382 TEM2UM 1990
ТЭМ2УМ-402 TEM2UM 15461163 1990
ТГМ23Б-3123 TGM23B 1983
ТГМ4-1919 TGM4 1983

Records shown: 22 of 22

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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