List of the vehicles
Donetska Railway, Donetsk Railway History and Progress Museum
№ |
Model |
Serial type |
Works number |
ID number |
Built |
Left/written off |
Note |
9П-082 |
9P |
1947 |
2011 |
9П-389 |
9P |
1946 |
05.2014 |
ТЭ-6115 |
BR 52 (ТЭ) |
KDL 1 |
12556 |
1943 |
07.2017 |
ЧМЭ5-0008 |
over. serie |
16744 |
26.12.1990 |
05.1998 |
БЗ Ясиноватая |
ДГку-281 |
DGKu |
ДГКу-381 |
DGKu |
Эу714-37 |
Eu, Em, Er |
158 |
6342 |
1931 |
07.2017 |
Эм722-81 |
Eu, Em, Er |
1933 |
07.2017 |
Эм735-76 |
Eu, Em, Er |
1935 |
Эр762-68 |
Eu, Em, Er |
1075 |
1951 |
07.2017 |
Эр798-69 |
Eu, Em, Er |
1953 |
ФД20-2714 |
FD |
1939 |
Л-1831 |
L |
П32 |
1952 |
05.2014 |
ЛВ-0407 |
LV (OR18) |
16539 |
1956 |
05.2014 |
СОм17-1468 |
SO |
1939 |
05.2014 |
Тендер с СОм17-3146 |
СОм17-3146 |
SO |
1941 |
05.2014 |
Тендер СОм17-1468 |
Су252-21 |
Su |
05.2014 |
ТЭ3-7643 |
TE3 |
1972 |
БЗ Ясиноватая |
ТГМ23Б-3390 |
TGM23B |
1985 |
ТГМ9-0001 |
TGM9 |
1983 |
БЗ Ясиноватая |
ТУ2-040 |
TU2 |
1956 |
05.2014 |
ТУ4-2822 |
TU4 |
1972 |
05.2014 |
ТУ7-2734 |
TU7 |
1986 |
05.2014 |
ВЛ8-773 |
VL8, VL8m (N8) |
1963 |
05.2014 |
ВЛ60ПК-001 |
ВЛ60ПК, ВЛ60КП |
11932001 |
28.11.1961 |
05.2014 |
Records shown: 25 of 25
Color coding
In operation |
New (was not in regular operation) |
Out of order |
Abandoned / Dead storage |
Written off |
Current location and condition are unknown |
Refurbishment (change of the serial number) |
Transferred to another depot |
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant) |
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer |
Renumbered |
Renamed |