List of the vehicles

Zabaikal Railway, TCHE-5 Chernyshevsk-Zabaykalskyi, 3M62U

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
3М62У-0023 1986 ≈ 10.2020 Секция А/Б
3М62У-0023 1986 2018 Секция Б
3М62У-0029 16360570 1986 01.2017 Секции АБ
3М62У-0052 16351033/16351041 1988 ≈ 10.2020 Секции АБ
3М62У-0056 16351116/16351124/16361115 1988 ≈ 10.2020
3М62У-0061 1988 10.2016
3М62У-0072 16351439/16351447 1988 03.2016
3М62У-0073 16351454/16351462/16361453 1988 06.2016
3М62У-0080 1989 05.2016
3М62У-0082 16351637/16351645/16361636 1989 06.2016
3М62У-0083 16351652/16351660/16361651 1989 03.2016
3М62У-0085 1989 03.2016
3М62У-0090 1989 03.2016
3М62У-0092 1989 10.2015
3М62У-0093 1989 2017
3М62У-0101 16352015/16352023/16362030 07.1992 ≈ 10.2020 Секции АБ
3М62У-0103 6997/????/6982 16352056/16352064/16362055 1992 2017
3М62У-0104 6985/????/???? 16352072/16352080/???????? 1992 06.2016

Records shown: 18 of 18

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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