List of the vehicles

Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, Other locomotives, 2TE10M, 3TE10M

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

ID number Built Left/written off Note
3ТЭ10М-0064 1981
3ТЭ10М-0121 1981
3ТЭ10М-0134 1981 2006
2ТЭ10М-0136 1981 ≈ 2006
2ТЭ10М-0195 1982 ≈ 2015 Продажа
2ТЭ10М-0198 1982
2ТЭ10М-0223 1981 2006
2ТЭ10М-0245 1981 ????
2ТЭ10М-0476 1982 2006
2ТЭ10М-0477 1982
2ТЭ10М-0481 1982
2ТЭ10М-0511 1982
2ТЭ10М-0512 16172157/16172165 1982 2006
2ТЭ10М-0544 1982
2ТЭ10М-0561 ????????/10101239 1982
2ТЭ10М-0563 2005
2ТЭ10М-0606 1982 11.1984 3ТЭ10М-5062
2ТЭ10М-0735 1983 1998
3ТЭ10М-1011 1982
3ТЭ10М-1012 1982
3ТЭ10М-1021 1983 2006
3ТЭ10М-1027 1983 ????
2ТЭ10М-1035 1983 ≈ 2006
3ТЭ10М-1036 1983 2000s
3ТЭ10М-1176 16174435(Б) 1985 ????
3ТЭ10М-1179 1985 2000s Алма-Атинская ЖД
2ТЭ10М-2044 1984
2ТЭ10М-2086 1984 2006
2ТЭ10М-2141 11.1984 ≈ 2006
2ТЭ10М-2174 1984 ????
2ТЭ10М-2343 16167470/16167462 1985
2ТЭ10М-2517 1986
2ТЭ10М-2518 1986
2ТЭ10М-2865 16168585/16168577 1987 2000s Западно-Казахстанская ЖД
2ТЭ10М-3498 16169849/16169831 1989 2000s Западно-Казахстанская ЖД
3ТЭ10М-5069 ????

Records shown: 38 of 38

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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