List of the vehicles

Magyar Államvasutak, Nyíregyháza


Sort by:  series and number  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Model Serial type Works number ID number Built Left/written off Note
22.034 (Steam locomotives) 126-3 5016 1929 ????
BCnmot 502 (нет в списке) BCnmot 1937 1942
BCnymot 502 (нет в списке) BCnymot 1937 09.1956
ABnymot 502 (нет в списке) ABnymot 1937 1999
BCnmot 505 (нет в списке) BCnmot 1937 1942
BCnymot 505 (нет в списке) BCnymot 1937 09.1956
ABnymot 505 (нет в списке) ABnymot 1937
BCnmot 506 (нет в списке) BCnmot 1937 1942
BCnymot 506 (нет в списке) BCnymot 1937 09.1956
ABnymot 506 (нет в списке) ABnymot 1937
BCnmot 507 (нет в списке) BCnmot 1937 1942
BCnymot 507 (нет в списке) BCnymot 1937 09.1956
ABnymot 507 (нет в списке) ABnymot 1937
411.358 411 (S160) 70444 1942 ????
Bbmot 634 Bbmot 1959 1967
Bbmot 638 Bbmot 1959 1967
Bbmot 639 Bbmot 1959 1967
Bbmot 641 Bbmot 1959 1967
Bbmot 642 Bbmot 1959 30.03.1966
Bbmot 643 Bbmot 1959 1967
Bbmot 651 Bbmot 1959 1967
ABmot 376 BCmot / ABmot Ganz 78766 1928 10.1988
ABmot 380 BCmot / ABmot Ganz 78868 1928 02.1988
ABmot 435 BCmot / ABmot Ganz 80043 1930 05.1981
ABmot 436 BCmot / ABmot Ganz 80044 1930 05.1981
A-170 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80122 1934
BCmot 423 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930 1942
BCymot 423 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930 09.1956
ABymot 423 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930
ABymot 424 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930
BCmot 425 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930 1942
BCymot 425 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930 09.1956
ABymot 425 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 1930
BCmot 453 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80116 1934 1942
BCymot 453 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80116 1934 09.1956
ABymot 453 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80116 1934
BCmot 454 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80117 1934 1942
BCymot 454 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80117 1934 09.1956
ABymot 454 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80117 1934
ABymot 468 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot Ganz 80114 1934 late 1970s
BCmot 469 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot MWG 1934 1942
BCymot 469 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot MWG 1934 09.1956
ABymot 469 BCmot / BCymot / ABymot MWG 1934
ABnymot 503 BCnmot/BCnymot/ABnymot 1937 1989
121 BDt 82-27 100 50 55 82-27 121-7 MÁV 1966 08.2003
8328 045 BDzx 50 55 83-28 045-6 1985
83-28 050-6 BDzx 89490 50 55 83-28 050-6 1985
83-28 051-4 BDzx 89491 50 55 83-28 051-4 MÁV 1985 01.2008
83-28 052-2 BDzx 89492 50 55 83-28 052-2 MÁV 1985 2007
8328 053 BDzx 50 55 83-28 053-0 1985
8328 054 BDzx 50 55 83-28 054-8 1985
8328 055 BDzx 50 55 83-28 055-5 1985
8328 056 BDzx 50 55 83-28 056-3 1985
8328 085 BDzx 50 55 83-28 085-2 1985
8328 086 BDzx 50 55 83-28 086-0 1985
8328 087 BDzx 50 55 83-28 087-8 1985
Btzx 803 Btzx 97659 50 55 80-28 803-1 MÁV 2000 ≈ 2003
Btzx 804 Btzx 83588 50 55 80-28 804-9 MÁV 1980 ≈ 2007
Bzmot 001 Bzmot 79620 1977 10.1998
Bzmot 010 Bzmot 82101 1979 03.2001
Bzmot 012 Bzmot 82103 1979 06.1999
Bzmot 029 Bzmot 82120 1979 12.2001
Bzmot 033 Bzmot 82124 1979 03.2001
Bzmot 035 Bzmot 82126 1979 12.1998
Bzmot 037 Bzmot 82128 1979 03.1999
Bzmot 041 Bzmot 82132 1979 11.1999
Bzmot 042 Bzmot 82133 1979 09.1997
Bzmot 076 Bzmot 82651 1980 11.1997
Bzmot 077 Bzmot 82652 1980 1999
Bzmot 078 Bzmot 82653 1980 01.1999
Bzmot 079 Bzmot 82654 1980 11.1997
Bzmot 080 Bzmot 82655 1980 04.2001
Bzmot 105 Bzmot 83525 1980 12.1998
Bzmot 106 Bzmot 83526 1980 02.1996
Bzmot 107 Bzmot 83527 1980 10.1998
Bzmot 108 Bzmot 83528 1980 03.1998
Bzmot 109 Bzmot 83529 1980 06.1997
Bzmot 110 Bzmot 83530 1980 12.1999
Bzmot 111 Bzmot 83531 1980 04.1999
Bzmot 112 Bzmot 83532 1980 11.1999
Bzmot 113 Bzmot 83533 1980 06.1999
Bzmot 114 Bzmot 83534 1980 05.1996
Bzmot 115 Bzmot 83535 1980 03.1997
Bzmot 116 Bzmot 83536 1980 02.1997
Bzmot 202 Bzmot 82640 90 55 54-29 202-9 MÁV 1980 2005
Bzmot 207 Bzmot 83528 90 55 54-29 207-8 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 210 Bzmot 87366 90 55 54-29 210-2 MÁV 1983 01.2008
Bzmot 216 Bzmot 89441 90 55 54-29 216-9 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 217 Bzmot 89453 90 55 54-29 217-7 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 218 Bzmot 89454 90 55 54-29 218-5 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 219 Bzmot 89456 90 55 54-29 219-3 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 284 Bzmot 89445 90 55 54-29 284-7 MÁV 1985 2006
Bzmot 300 Bzmot 82095 90 55 54-29 300-1 MÁV 1979 01.2008
Bzmot 351 Bzmot 87378 90 55 54-29 351-4 MÁV 1983 01.2008
Bzmot 356 Bzmot 83535 90 55 54-29 356-3 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 363 Bzmot 83547 90 55 54-29 363-9 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 364 Bzmot 89452 90 55 54-29 364-7 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 369 Bzmot 89449 90 55 54-29 369-6 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 376 Bzmot 84138 95 55 54-29 376-6 MÁV 1981 01.2008
Bzmot 377 Bzmot 82651 90 55 54-29 377-9 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 381 Bzmot 87363 90 55 54-29 381-1 MÁV 1983 01.2008
Bzmot 386 Bzmot 82654 90 55 54-29 386-0 MÁV 1980 2005
Bzmot 392 Bzmot 83564 90 55 54-29 392-8 MÁV 1980 2003
Bzmot 394 Bzmot 83584 90 55 54-29 394-4 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 395 Bzmot 82154 90 55 54-29 395-1 MÁV 1979 01.2008
Bzmot 396 Bzmot 83637 90 55 54-29 396-9 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 397 Bzmot 83626 90 55 54-29 397-7 MÁV 1980 01.2008
Bzmot 402 Bzmot 89523 90 55 54-29 402-5 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 403 Bzmot 89504 90 55 54-29 403-3 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 404 Bzmot 89486 90 55 54-29 404-1 MÁV 1985 2005
Bzmot 405 Bzmot 89480 90 55 54-29 405-8 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 406 Bzmot 89483 90 55 54-29 406-6 MÁV 1985 2000
Bzmot 412 Bzmot 89479 90 55 54-29 412-4 MÁV 1985 2006
Bzmot 412 Bzmot 89479 90 55 54-29 412-4 MÁV 1985 01.2008
Bzmot 413 Bzmot 96329 90 55 54-29 413-2 MÁV 1999 01.2008
Bzmot 414 Bzmot 96333 90 55 54-29 414-0 MÁV 1999 01.2008
Bzmot 415 Bzmot 96332 90 55 54-29 415-7 MÁV 1999 01.2008
Bzmot 416 Bzmot 96331 90 55 54-29 416-5 MÁV 1999 01.2008
Bzmot 417 Bzmot 96330 90 55 54-29 417-3 MÁV 1999 01.2008
2428 687 Bzx 50 55 24-28 687-7 MÁV 01.2008
2428 707 Bzx 83568 50 55 24-28 707-3 1980 01.2008
2428 710 Bzx 50 55 24-28 710-7 01.2008
2428 714 Bzx 50 55 24-28 714-9 ????
2428 719 Bzx 83580 1980
2428 720 Bzx 83581 1980
2428 725 Bzx 83586 50 55 24-28 725-5 1980 01.2008
24-28 731-3 Bzx 83592 50 55 24-28 731-3 MÁV 1980 01.2008
24-28 770-1 Bzx 83631 50 55 24-28 770-1 MÁV 1980 01.2008
M41 2131 DHM-7 DHM7-4 1818 1977 12.1993
M41 2132 DHM-7 DHM7-4 1819 1977 12.1993
M41 2133 DHM-7 DHM7-4 1820 1977 12.1993
M41 2134 DHM-7 DHM7-4 1821 1977 12.1993
M41 2135 DHM-7 DHM7-4 1822 1977 12.1993
M41 2153 DHM-7 DHM7-6 1882 1979 mid 1990s
M44.075 DVM-2 DVM2-15 727 1963 ????
M44 075 DVM-2 DVM2-15 727 95 55 2044 075-6 MÁV 1963 10.01.2007
M44 081 DVM-2 DVM2-15 737 95 55 2044 081-4 MÁV 1963 01.2008
M44 102 DVM-2 DVM2-23 816 95 55 2044 102-8 MÁV 1964 01.2008
M44 133 DVM-2 DVM2-35 1087 1966 05.2003
M44.144 DVM-2 DVM2-51 1316 1969 ????
M44 144 DVM-2 DVM2-51 1316 95 55 2044 144-0 MÁV 1969 10.01.2007
M44 208 DVM-2 DVM2-52 1513 1970 06.09.2004
M44 211 DVM-2 DVM2-1 7 95 55 2044 211-7 MÁV 1954 01.2008
M43 1201 LDH 45 LDH45 23869 95 55 2243 201-7 MÁV 1979 01.2008
M43 1202 LDH 45 LDH45 23832 95 55 2243 202-5 MÁV 1979 01.2008
M62-033 M62 MAV 0033 08.1965 early 1970s
377.390 MAV 377 29-34 1219 1898 05.1955
377.493 MAV 377 29-51 3089 1912 ????
424.011 MÁV 424 122-2 4735 1924 early 1970s
424.018 MÁV 424 122-2 4742 1924 early 1970s
424.020 MÁV 424 122-2 4744 1924 03.1961 424.143
424.020 MÁV 424 122-7 5304 1942 08.1964
424.020 MÁV 424 122-9 5395 1943 08.12.1980
424.023 MÁV 424 122-2 4747 1924 early 1970s
424.165 MÁV 424 122-8 5383 1943 02.08.1984
424.175 MÁV 424 122-9 5418 1944 1970
424.317 MÁV 424 122-25 7513 1956 30.12.1988
424.318 MÁV 424 122-25 7514 1956 26.10.1983
424.319 MÁV 424 122-25 7515 1956 05.09.1985
424.320 MÁV 424 122-25 7516 1956 01.1982
424.330 MÁV 424 122-25 7526 1957 06.10.1981
424.331 MÁV 424 122-25 7527 1957 26.10.1983
MDa 3025 MDmot DMV 1972 late 1970s
MDmot 3025 MDmot DMV 1972 1979
MDa 3031 MDmot DMV 1972 late 1970s
MDmot 3031 MDmot DMV 1972 1979
MDa 3038 MDmot DMV 1975 late 1970s
MDmot 3038 MDmot DMV 1975 1979
MDa 3039 MDmot DMV 1975 late 1970s
MDmot 3039 MDmot DMV 1975 1980
MDa 3040 MDmot DMV 1975 late 1970s
MDmot 3040 MDmot DMV 1975 1980
V42.502 V42 VM12-3 111 1964 29.10.1975
V42.518 V42 VM12-3 111 1964 10.1975
V42 518 V42 VM12-1 85 1962 early 1980s
V42.519 V42 VM12-3 112 1964 1976
V42 519 V42 VM12-3 112 1964 early 1980s
V42.520 V42 VM12-3 113 1964 late 1970s
V42 520 V42 VM12-3 113 1964 early 1980s
V42.522 V42 VM12-3 115 1964 late 1970s
V42 522 V42 VM12-3 115 1964 12.1988
V42.524 V42 VM12-4 139 1965 1976
V42 524 V42 VM12-4 139 1965 late 1980s
V42.525 V42 VM12-4 140 1965 late 1970s
V42 525 V42 VM12-4 140 1965 12.1980
V42.527 V42 VM12-4 142 1966 late 1970s
V42 527 V42 VM12-4 142 1966 late 1980s
V42.530 V42 VM12-4 145 1966 late 1970s
V42 530 V42 VM12-4 145 1966 late 1980s
V42.531 V42 VM12-4 146 1966 late 1970s
V42 531 V42 VM12-4 146 1966 early 1980s
V42.532 V42 VM12-4 147 1966 early 1970s
V42.533 V42 VM12-4 148 1966 early 1970s
V42.535 V42 VM12-4 150 1966 early 1970s
V42.536 V42 VM12-4 151 1966 early 1970s
V42.537 V42 VM12-4 152 1966 27.11.1972
V43 1009 V43 VM14-1 117 1964 1999
V43 1010 V43 VM14-2 118 1964 1999
V43.1018 V43 VM14-3 126 1965 early 1970s
V43.1019 V43 VM14-4 127 1965 early 1970s
V43.1020 V43 VM14-4 128 1965 early 1970s
V43.1021 V43 VM14-4 129 1965 early 1970s
V43.1022 V43 VM14-4 130 1965 early 1970s
V43.1023 V43 VM14-4 131 1965 early 1970s
V43.1024 V43 VM14-4 132 1965 early 1970s
V43.1025 V43 VM14-4 133 1965 early 1970s
V43.1026 V43 VM14-4 134 1965 early 1970s
V43.1027 V43 VM14-4 135 1965 early 1970s
V43.1028 V43 VM14-4 136 1965 early 1970s
V43.1029 V43 VM14-4 137 1965 early 1970s
V43 1082 V43 VM14-9 210 1968 early 1990s
V43 1083 V43 VM14-9 211 95 55 1143 083-2 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1084 V43 VM14-9 212 1968 18.09.1995
V43 1085 V43 VM14-9 213 95 55 1143 085-7 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1086 V43 VM14-9 214 95 55 1143 086-5 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1087 V43 VM14-9 215 95 55 1143 087-3 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1088 V43 VM14-9 216 95 55 1143 088-1 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1089 V43 VM14-9 217 95 55 1143 089-9 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1090 V43 VM14-10 218 95 55 1143 090-7 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1091 V43 VM14-10 219 95 55 1143 091-5 MÁV 1968 01.2008
V43 1092 V43 VM14-10 220 95 55 1143 092-3 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1093 V43 VM14-10 221 95 55 1143 093-1 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1094 V43 VM14-10 222 95 55 1143 094-9 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1095 V43 VM14-10 223 95 55 1143 095-6 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1096 V43 VM14-10 224 95 55 1143 096-4 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1097 V43 VM14-10 225 95 55 1143 097-2 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1098 V43 VM14-10 226 1969 1999
V43 1099 V43 VM14-10 227 95 55 1143 099-8 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1100 V43 VM14-10 228 95 55 1143 100-4 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43 1101 V43 VM14-10 229 95 55 1143 101-2 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1102 V43 VM14-11 230 1969 late 1970s
V43 1102 V43 VM14-11 230 95 55 1143 102-0 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1103 V43 VM14-11 231 1969 late 1970s
V43 1103 V43 VM14-11 231 95 55 1143 103-8 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1104 V43 VM14-11 232 1969 late 1970s
V43 1104 V43 VM14-11 232 95 55 1143 104-6 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1105 V43 VM14-11 233 1969 late 1970s
V43 1105 V43 VM14-11 233 95 55 1143 105-3 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1106 V43 VM14-11 234 1969 late 1970s
V43 1106 V43 VM14-11 234 95 55 1143 106-1 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1107 V43 VM14-11 235 1969 late 1970s
V43 1107 V43 VM14-11 235 95 55 1143 107-9 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1108 V43 VM14-11 236 1969 late 1970s
V43 1108 V43 VM14-11 236 95 55 1143 108-7 MÁV 1969 01.2008
V43.1109 V43 VM14-11 237 1969 late 1970s
V43 1109 V43 VM14-11 237 95 55 1143 109-5 MÁV 1969 2008
V43.1110 V43 VM14-11 238 1969 late 1970s
V43 1110 V43 VM14-11 238 1969 2008
V43.1111 V43 VM14-11 239 1969 late 1970s
V43 1111 V43 VM14-11 239 1969 1980s
V43.1112 V43 VM14-11 240 1969 late 1970s
V43 1112 V43 VM14-11 240 1969 1980s
V43.1113 V43 VM14-11 241 1969 late 1970s
V43 1113 V43 VM14-11 241 1969 1980s
V43.1114 V43 VM14-11 242 1969 late 1970s
V43 1114 V43 VM14-11 242 1969 1980s
V43.1115 V43 VM14-11 243 1969 1976
V43 1115 V43 VM14-11 243 1969 1980s
V43.1116 V43 VM14-11 244 1969 late 1970s
V43 1116 V43 VM14-11 244 1969 1980s
V43.1117 V43 VM14-11 245 1969 late 1970s
V43 1117 V43 VM14-11 245 1969 early 1990s
V43.1118 V43 VM14-12 246 1970 late 1970s
V43 1118 V43 VM14-12 246 1970 early 1990s
V43.1119 V43 VM14-12 247 1970 late 1970s
V43 1119 V43 VM14-12 247 1970 early 1990s
V43.1120 V43 VM14-12 248 1970 late 1970s
V43 1120 V43 VM14-12 248 1970 early 1990s
V43.1121 V43 VM14-12 249 1970 late 1970s
V43 1121 V43 VM14-12 249 1970 early 1990s
V43.1122 V43 VM14-12 250 1970 late 1970s
V43 1122 V43 VM14-12 250 1970 early 1990s
V43.1123 V43 VM14-12 251 1970 late 1970s
V43 1123 V43 VM14-12 251 1970 early 1990s
V43.1124 V43 VM14-12 252 1970 late 1970s
V43 1124 V43 VM14-12 252 1970 early 1990s
V43.1125 V43 VM14-12 253 1970 late 1970s
V43 1125 V43 VM14-12 253 1970 early 1990s
V43.1126 V43 VM14-12 254 1970 late 1970s
V43 1126 V43 VM14-12 254 1970 early 1990s
V43.1127 V43 VM14-12 255 1970 late 1970s
V43 1127 V43 VM14-12 255 1970 early 1990s
V43.1128 V43 VM14-12 256 1970 late 1970s
V43 1128 V43 VM14-12 256 1970 early 1990s
V43.1129 V43 VM14-12 257 1970 late 1970s
V43 1129 V43 VM14-12 257 1970 early 1990s
V43.1130 V43 VM14-13 258 1970 late 1970s
V43 1130 V43 VM14-13 258 1970 early 1990s
V43.1131 V43 VM14-13 259 1970 late 1970s
V43 1131 V43 VM14-13 259 1970 early 1990s
V43.1132 V43 VM14-13 260 1970 late 1970s
V43 1132 V43 VM14-13 260 1970 early 1990s
V43.1133 V43 VM14-13 261 1970 late 1970s
V43 1133 V43 VM14-13 261 1970 early 1990s
V43.1134 V43 VM14-13 262 1970 late 1970s
V43 1134 V43 VM14-13 262 1970 early 1990s
V43.1135 V43 VM14-13 263 1970 late 1970s
V43 1135 V43 VM14-13 263 1970 early 1990s
V43.1136 V43 VM14-13 264 1970 late 1970s
V43 1136 V43 VM14-13 264 1970 early 1990s
V43.1137 V43 VM14-13 265 1970 late 1970s
V43 1137 V43 VM14-13 265 1970 early 1990s
V43.1138 V43 VM14-13 266 1970 late 1970s
V43 1138 V43 VM14-13 266 1970 early 1990s
V43.1139 V43 VM14-13 267 1970 late 1970s
V43 1139 V43 VM14-13 267 95 55 1143 139-2 MÁV 1970 01.2008
V43.1140 V43 VM14-13 268 1970 late 1970s
V43 1140 V43 VM14-13 268 95 55 1143 140-0 MÁV 1970 01.2008
V43.1141 V43 VM14-13 269 1970 late 1970s
V43 1141 V43 VM14-13 269 95 55 1143 141-8 MÁV 1970 01.2008
V43 1142 V43 VM14-13 270 95 55 1143 142-6 MÁV 1971 01.2008
V43.1142 V43 VM14-13 270 1971 late 1970s
V43 1143 V43 VM14-13 271 95 55 1143 143-4 MÁV 1971 01.2008
V43.1143 V43 VM14-13 271 1971 late 1970s
V43 1144 V43 VM14-13 272 95 55 1143 144-2 MÁV 1971 09.2006
V43.1144 V43 VM14-13 272 1971 late 1970s
V43 1145 V43 VM14-13 273 1971 1996
V43.1145 V43 VM14-13 273 1971 late 1970s
V43.1145 V43 VM14-13 273 1971 2005
V43 1145 V43 VM14-13 273 95 55 1143 145-9 MÁV 1971 01.2008
V43 1146 V43 VM14-14 274 1971 mid 1990s
V43.1146 V43 VM14-14 274 1971 late 1970s
V43 1147 V43 VM14-14 275 1971 early 1990s
V43.1147 V43 VM14-14 275 1971 late 1970s
V43 1148 V43 VM14-14 276 1971 early 1980s
V43.1148 V43 VM14-14 276 1971 late 1970s
V43 1149 V43 VM14-14 277 1971 early 1980s
V43.1149 V43 VM14-14 277 1971 late 1970s
V43 1150 V43 VM14-14 278 1971 early 1990s
V43.1150 V43 VM14-14 278 1971 late 1970s
V43 1151 V43 VM14-14 279 1971 early 1980s
V43.1151 V43 VM14-14 279 1971 late 1970s
V43 1152 V43 VM14-14 280 1971 early 1980s
V43.1152 V43 VM14-14 280 1971 late 1970s
V43 1153 V43 VM14-14 281 1971 early 1980s
V43.1153 V43 VM14-14 281 1971 late 1970s
V43 1154 V43 VM14-14 282 1971 early 1980s
V43.1154 V43 VM14-14 282 1971 late 1970s
V43 1155 V43 VM14-14 283 1971 early 1980s
V43.1155 V43 VM14-14 283 1971 late 1970s
V43 1156 V43 VM14-14 284 1971 early 1980s
V43.1156 V43 VM14-14 284 1971 late 1970s
V43 1157 V43 VM14-14 285 1971 early 1980s
V43.1157 V43 VM14-14 285 1971 late 1970s
V43.1158 V43 VM14-14 286 1971 early 1970s
V43.1159 V43 VM14-14 287 1971 early 1970s
V43.1160 V43 VM14-14 288 1971 early 1970s
V43.1161 V43 VM14-14 289 1971 early 1970s
V43 1165 V43 VM14-14 293 95 55 1143 165-7 MÁV 1971 01.2008
V43.1166 V43 VM14-15 294 1971 early 1970s
V43.1167 V43 VM14-15 295 1971 early 1970s
V43.1168 V43 VM14-15 296 1971 early 1970s
V43.1169 V43 VM14-15 297 1971 early 1970s
V43.1170 V43 VM14-15 298 1971 early 1970s
V43 1196 V43 VM14-15 324 1973 11.2004
V43 1297 V43 VM14-22 427 95 55 1143 297-8 MÁV 1978 08.2008
V43 1298 V43 VM14-22 428 95 55 1143 298-6 MÁV 1978 01.2008
V46 013 V46 VM16-2 546 95 55 1046 013-7 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 015 V46 VM16-2 548 95 55 1046 015-2 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 016 V46 VM16-2 549 95 55 1046 016-0 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 018 V46 VM16-2 551 95 55 1046 018-6 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 019 V46 VM16-2 552 95 55 1046 019-4 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 020 V46 VM16-2 553 95 55 1046 020-2 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V46 045 V46 VM16-3 10280 95 55 1046 045-9 MÁV 1988 01.2008
V63 019 V63 VM15-3 531 95 55 1063 019-2 MÁV 1985 01.2008
V63 020 V63 VM15-3 532 95 55 1063 020-0 MÁV 1985 01.2008
V63 021 V63 VM15-3 533 95 55 1063 021-8 MÁV 1985 01.2008
V63 022 V63 VM15-3 534 95 55 1063 022-6 MÁV 1985 01.2008
V63 023 V63 VM15-3 535 95 55 1063 023-4 MÁV 1985 01.2008 "Püspökladány"
V63 024 V63 VM15-3 536 95 55 1063 024-2 MÁV 1985 01.2008
V63 025 V63 VM15-3 537 1986 1998
V63 026 V63 VM15-3 538 95 55 1063 026-7 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 027 V63 VM15-3 10220 95 55 1063 027-5 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 028 V63 VM15-3 10221 95 55 1063 028-3 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 029 V63 VM15-3 10222 95 55 1063 029-1 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 030 V63 VM15-3 10223 95 55 1063 030-9 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 031 V63 VM15-4 10224 95 55 1063 031-7 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 032 V63 VM15-4 10225 95 55 1063 032-5 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 033 V63 VM15-4 10226 95 55 1063 033-3 MÁV 1986 01.2008
V63 034 V63 VM15-4 10227 1986 ???? "Budapest-Ferencváros"
V63 035 V63 VM15-4 10228 1986 ???? "Cegléd"
V63 036 V63 VM15-4 10229 95 55 1063 036-6 MÁV 1986 01.2008 "Hatvan"
V63 037 V63 VM15-4 10230 1987 ????
V63 038 V63 VM15-4 10231 1987 ???? "Kandó Kálmán"
V63 039 V63 VM15-4 10232 1987 ????
V63 040 V63 VM15-4 10233 1987 ????
V63 041 V63 VM15-4 10234 1987 ????
V63 042 V63 VM15-4 10235 1987 ????
V63 043 V63 VM15-4 10236 1987 ???? "Baross Gábor"
V63 044 V63 VM15-4 10237 1987 ????
V63 045 V63 VM15-4 10238 1987 ????
V63 046 V63 VM15-5 10239 1987 ????
V63 047 V63 VM15-5 10240 1987 ????
V63 048 V63 VM15-5 10241 1987 ????
VF 03 VF VM11-2 79 1962
VF 19 VF VM11-2 78 1962
VF 21 VF VM12-1 84 1962
VF 27 VF VM12-4 143 1966

Records shown: 398 of 398

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In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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