List of the vehicles

Polish State Railways (PKP), Gniezno, ET22

DOKP ZACHODNIA (Западный регион)

Sort by:  series and number  ·  serial no.  ·  construction date  ·  left/writing off date

Serial type Works number Built Left/written off
ET22-024 201E 024 1972 ????
ET22-034 201E 034 1972 09.1986
ET22-192 201Е 193 05.1975 07.1994
ET22-195 201E 196 1975 07.1994
ET22-197 201E 198 06.1975 07.1997
ET22-200 201E 201 06.1975 11.1985
ET22-201 201Е 202 06.1975 11.1990
ET22-233 201Е 234 31.03.1976 07.1988
ET22-235 201Е 236 04.1976 07.1997
ET22-237 201Е 238 1976 07.1997
ET22-238 201Е 239 05.1976 07.1997
ET22-243 201Е 244 06.1976 07.1997
ET22-244 201Е 245 06.1976 07.1997
ET22-247 201Е 248 13.05.1976 07.1997
ET22-291 201E 292 01.1977 07.1997
ET22-295 201E 296 26.01.1977 05.1988
ET22-296 201E 297 1977 11.1990
ET22-312 201E 313 1977 07.1997
ET22-331 201E 332 1977 07.1997
ET22-336 201E 337 07.1977 07.1997
ET22-337 201E 338 07.1977 07.1997
ET22-361 201E 362 1977 07.1997
ET22-363 201E 364 1977 05.1988
ET22-385 201E 389 12.02.1978 04.1996
ET22-386 201E 385 02.1978 05.1988
ET22-391 201Е 392 1978 07.1997
ET22-403 201E 404 1978 01.1991
ET22-403 201E 404 1978 10.1996
ET22-419 201E 420 1978 12.1994
ET22-428 201E 429 1978 ????
ET22-429 201E 430 1978 07.1997
ET22-430 201E 431 1978 11.1990
ET22-434 201E 435 08.1978 07.1997
ET22-452 201E 453 1978 07.1997
ET22-505 201Е 506 1979 07.1997
ET22-536 201E 537 1979 07.1997
ET22-537 201E 538 10.1979 07.1997
ET22-540 201E 541 1979 1992
ET22-579 201E 580 1980 05.1988
ET22-585 201E 586 1980 07.1994
ET22-880 201E 881 1984 07.1997

Records shown: 41 of 41

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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