List of the vehicles

West Siberian railway, Private depots at the enterprises, KDE163

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Built Note
КДЭ163-220 1973 Омсктрансмаш
КДЭ163-532 1974 Омсктрансмаш
КДЭ163-935 1975 ФКП "Анозит"
КДЭ163-1394 1976 Кемеровская ГРЭС
КДЭ163-1577 1977 ООО "ПЖТ" (ст. Комбинатская)
КДЭ163-1835 1977 ООО «ПЖТ», п/п от ст. Комбинатская
КДЭ163-1864 1977 Омсктрансмаш
КДЭ163-2363 1979 Завод "Алтайский Химпром", г. Яровое
КДЭ163-2891 1980 Алтайский шинный комбинат
КДЭ163-3214 1981 ООО "ЮКЭК"
КДЭ163-4021 08.1983
КДЭ163-4093 1983 АО "Знамя", г. Киселёвск
КДЭ163-4279 04.1984 Бийская ТЭЦ-1
КДЭ163-4406 1984 Новокузнецкий завод резервуарных металлоконструкций

Records shown: 14 of 14

Color coding

In operation
New (was not in regular operation)
Out of order
Abandoned / Dead storage
Written off
Current location and condition are unknown
Refurbishment (change of the serial number)
Transferred to another depot
Passed to an other railway (or to a plant)
Monument/Museum exhibit/Trainer


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